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Preparing for Adulthood A new landscape for SEN and disability May 2014.

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1 Preparing for Adulthood A new landscape for SEN and disability May 2014

2  Commissioned by the Department of Education to support pathfinders and other local areas to use best practice in preparation for adulthood (transition and post 16 issues) when testing and implementing the reforms.   Share best practice through website, e-bulletin and social media  Feedback to Government on learning and issues from the programme  Build on previous good practice and capture new learning What is the Preparing for Adulthood programme?

3  FE colleges and ISPs must have regard to the Code of Practice  Local authorities should involve post-16 institutions when reviewing their SEN provision and developing their local offer  Allow young people to express a preference for a particular school, FE college or ISP (including free schools and academies) and require that institution to respond  Requires local authorities to consult schools, colleges and ISPs about young people they would like to place with them and send them a copy of their EHC plan  Make ‘best endeavours’ for young people with SEND  Local authorities can provide children’s services to young people over 18. Post 16 Changes in the Children and Families Act 2014

4 Delivering Support and Aspiration for disabled young people – Learning from the first two years of the SEND pathfinder programme http://www.preparingforadulthood.or resources/delivering-support-and- aspiration


6 Aspirations and Outcomes



9  Outcomes: Develop friendships To be part of her community Explore setting up a micro/social enterprise Improve expressive communication  Personalised Post 16 option and support: Personal budget from post 16 education and social care pooled and taken as a direct payment; Team of personal assistants recruited and trained; Personalised weekly timetable designed to achieve outcomes; Personal assistants can continue to support Eleanor when she leaves education and eventually moves into supported living. Eleanor’s Story

10 Personalise your approach

11  Support for all young people to plan for the future identified in the local offer  Aspirations, views, interests and needs.  Person centred outcome focussed EHC planning and reviews  Personal budgets across health, education and social care

12 Person Centred reviews

13 Developing post 16 options and support

14 Raising aspirations for ordinary life Vocational profiling in school linked to the 0-25 Education Health and Care plan. Employment focused curricula: Person-centred planning Communication skills Travel training Money and time skills People and social skills Work awareness Work experience in real settings Support for families Develop personalised curricula and support so children learn what they need to get jobs

15 For example:  Embedding supported employment in schools and colleges  Supported internships do/ do/supported-internships  Apprenticeships  Traineeships  Support for young people to set up their own businesses Develop post 16 options and support that lead to paid employment

16  Person centred review  Travel training  Supported Internship – Town Hall print room  Works Monday – Thursday “ I was one of those parents who said I wouldn't let him go, I wanted to protect him. It was my worry, not his - other people helped me see that he could make his own choices. It is his life and he is learning all of the time. Every time Nathan leaves home to get the bus to work he says thanks and gives me a kiss before he leaves. I know what Nathan is thanking me for - it is for letting him go on his own. ” - Eileen, Nathan’s Mum Nathan’s Story

17 Exploring the Links between the Children and Families Act and the Care Bill

18  Wellbeing principle ◦Including particular focus on key outcomes (employment, health, suitable accommodation and community participation)  Childs Need’s Assessment ◦Duty to carry out if ‘likely need’ and ‘significant benefit’ conditions apply  Personal Budgets ◦Adult care and support plans will all include a personal budget  Information & Advice Service ◦Duty to establish and maintain a service for individuals and their carers  Joint commissioning ◦Better Care Fund Key Duties in the Care Bill

19  Ensure there is a representative from Adult Social Care on the Local Authority SEND Implementation board;  Consider whether a Child Needs Assessment (CNA) is required from Yr 9 review as part of the focus on PfA outcomes and if Child’s Carers Assessment;  Develop a process that enables the CNA to produce an indicative personal budget for adult care and support;  Develop a process to allow the information from the EHC plan, including the CNA, and from personal budget holders’ choices, to inform the Joint Commissioning Strategy; Making it work in practice

20  Develop the market to ensure that there are quality services, which lead to the intended outcomes of the Children and Families Act and the Care Act;  Ensure that young people and their families have access to good information, advice and support in relation to what is available and how to purchase it;  Provide young people and their families with opportunities to pool budgets and commission mutually beneficial support;  Consider establishing a joint information and advice offer across all age groups, or across the 0-25 age group; Making it work in practice 2

21  Matthew’s Big Plan. Person centred planning and reviews enabled him and people who know and care about him to be fully involved and plan for the future  High aspirations for an ordinary life. Employment, independent living including supported living, friends and relationships.  Work experience from age 11  Input from Adult Social Care: ◦Personal Budget? (Enough to pay Job Coach?) ◦Link to Housing Association ◦Project Search and job coach – integrated funding from employment, education and social care  Now: Living independently in a job he loves;  Matthew’s Story

22  What is your local area doing in relation to; o Outcome focused, person-centred planning and reviews; o Developing provision and support for paid employment; independent living, community participation, health  Note down What’s working ? And what’s not working  What support does your local area need to help deliver the preparing for adulthood aspects of the SEND reforms ? Group Activity


24 FAQ’s and themes so far… You can read the responses to the questions we have received each week in the documents below. Week 1 - Local offerWeek 1 - Local offer (updated) Week 2 - Engagement of young people and families Week 3/4 - EHC plans and Personal Budgets Week 5 - Personalisation and Person Centred Practice

25   Ebulletin: do/best-practice-and-information  Facebook:  Twitter: @PfA_Tweets  Blog: Contact Information

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