Chapter 19 – Bacteria and Viruses B $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4 Topic 5 FINAL ROUND.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 19 – Bacteria and Viruses B $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3Topic 4 Topic 5 FINAL ROUND

Topic 1: $100 Question Viral disease can be a. treated with antibiotics and prevented with vaccines. b. prevented with vaccines but not treated with antibiotics. c. prevented with antibiotics but not treated with vaccines d. treated with vaccines and prevented with antibiotics. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 1: $100 Answer Viral disease can be a. treated with antibiotics and prevented with vaccines. b. prevented with vaccines but not treated with antibiotics. c. prevented with antibiotics but not treated with vaccines d. treated with vaccines and prevented with antibiotics. BACK TO GAME

Topic 1: $200 Question Viruses cause disease by a. producing toxins that harm the body. b. reproducing independently inside the body. c. forming endospores in the body. d. disrupting the body’s normal equilibrium BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 1: $200 Answer Viruses cause disease by a. producing toxins that harm the body. b. reproducing independently inside the body. c. forming endospores in the body. d. disrupting the body’s normal equilibrium BACK TO GAME

Topic 1: $300 Question Plant viruses have a difficult time entering the cells they infect partly because a. plant viruses are weaker than animal viruses. b. many plant viruses are spread by insects. c. plant viruses do not have a protein coat. d. plant cells have tough cell walls. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 1: $300 Answer Plant viruses have a difficult time entering the cells they infect partly because a. plant viruses are weaker than animal viruses. b. many plant viruses are spread by insects. c. plant viruses do not have a protein coat. d. plant cells have tough cell walls. BACK TO GAME

Topic 1: $400 Question Bacteria that break down the nutrients in dead matter into simpler substances that are taken up by plant roots are called a. endospores b. flagella c. photoautotrophs d. decomposers BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 1: $400 Answer Bacteria that break down the nutrients in dead matter into simpler substances that are taken up by plant roots are called a. endospores b. flagella c. photoautotrophs d. decomposers BACK TO GAME

Topic 1: $500 Question A method called Gram staining is used to tell a. whether a prokaryote has flagella. b. what shape a prokaryote has. c. what kind of cell wall a prokaryote has. d. how a prokaryote obtains energy. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 1: $500 Answer A method called Gram staining is used to tell a. whether a prokaryote has flagella. b. what shape a prokaryote has. c. what kind of cell wall a prokaryote has. d. how a prokaryote obtains energy. BACK TO GAME

Topic 2: $100 Question What is the basic structure of a virus? a. DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat b. A tail sheath surrounded by tail fibers c. A tiny cell surrounded by a cell wall d. A capsid surrounded by a protein coat BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 2: $100 Answer What is the basic structure of a virus? a. DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat b. A tail sheath surrounded by tail fibers c. A tiny cell surrounded by a cell wall d. A capsid surrounded by a protein coat BACK TO GAME

Topic 2: $200 Question All viruses are made of proteins and a. nucleic acids. b. prophages. c. endospores. d. bacteriophages. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 2: $200 Answer All viruses are made of proteins and a. nucleic acids. b. prophages. c. endospores. d. bacteriophages. BACK TO GAME

Topic 2: $300 Question Bacteria that cause disease are called a. viruses b. endospores c. antibiotics d. pathogens BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 2: $300 Answer Bacteria that cause disease are called a. viruses b. endospores c. antibiotics d. pathogens BACK TO GAME

Topic 2: $400 Question A prophage is made of a. bacteriophages. b. capsid protein. c. viral DNA. d. carbohydrates. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 2: $400 Answer A prophage is made of a. bacteriophages. b. capsid protein. c. viral DNA. d. carbohydrates BACK TO GAME

Topic 2: $500 Question During a lytic infection, the host cell is a. destroyed b. copied many times over c. prepared for the lysogenic cycle d. all of the above BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 2: $500 Answer During a lytic infection, the host cell is a. destroyed. b. copied many times over c. prepared for the lysogenic cycle d. all of the above BACK TO GAME

Topic 3: $100 Question Bacteriophages infect a. other viruses b. cells undergoing the lytic cycle. c. any available host cell. d. bacteria only. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 3: $100 Answer Bacteriophages infect a. other viruses b. cells undergoing the lytic cycle. c. any available host cell. d. bacteria only BACK TO GAME

Topic 3: $200 Question Which of the following characteristics of living things is NOT true about viruses? a. contain genetic material b. able to reproduce c. obtain and use energy d. evolve over time BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 3: $200 Answer Which of the following characteristics of living things is NOT true about viruses? a. contain genetic material b. able to reproduce c. obtain and use energy d. evolve over time BACK TO GAME

Topic 3: $300 Question A lytic infection concludes with the a. embedding of viral DNA into the host cell’s DNA. b. production of messenger RNA. c. production of a prophage. d. bursting of the host cell. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 3: $300 Answer A lytic infection concludes with the a. embedding of viral DNA into the host cell’s DNA. b. production of messenger RNA. c. production of a prophage. d. bursting of the host cell. BACK TO GAME

Topic 3: $400 Question Which of the following is NOT a viral disease? a. botulism b. polio c. measles d. AIDS BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 3: $400 Answer Which of the following is NOT a viral disease? a. botulism b. polio c. measles d. AIDS BACK TO GAME

Topic 3: $500 Question Unlike photoautotrophs, chemoautotrophs obtain energy a. directly form the sun. b. indirectly from organic molecules. c. directly from inorganic molecules. d. indirectly from other organisms. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 3: $500 Answer Unlike photoautotrophs, chemoautotrophs obtain energy a. directly form the sun. b. indirectly from organic molecules. c. directly from inorganic molecules d. indirectly from other organisms. BACK TO GAME

Topic 4: $100 Question Nitrogen fixation involves each of the following EXCEPT a. soybeans. b. nodules on roots. c. Rhizobium. d. fertilizer. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 4: $100 Answer Nitrogen fixation involves each of the following EXCEPT a. soybeans. b. nodules on roots. c. Rhizobium. d. fertilizer. BACK TO GAME

Topic 4: $200 Question Which of the following is produced when bacteria break down complex compounds in sewage? a. carbon dioxide gas b. purified water c. nitrogen d. all of the above. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 4: $200 Answer Which of the following is produced when bacteria break down complex compounds in sewage? a. carbon dioxide gas b. purified water c. nitrogen d. all of the above BACK TO GAME

Topic 4: $300 Question The outer protein coat of a virus is called a a. DNA core. b. capsid. c. tail sheath. d. bacteriophage. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 4: $300 Answer The outer protein coat of a virus is called a a. DNA core. b. capsid. c. tail sheath. d. bacteriophage. BACK TO GAME

Topic 4: $400 Question The instructions for making new copies of a virus are a. coded in either RNA or DNA. b. found only in bacteriophages. c. part of a virus’s capsid. d. coded in surface proteins attached to the protein coat. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 4: $400 Answer The instructions for making new copies of a virus are a. coded in either RNA or DNA. b. found only in bacteriophages. c. part of a virus’s capsid. d. coded in surface proteins attached to the protein coat. BACK TO GAME

Topic 4: $500 Question Which of the following is a characteristic of bacteria that is key to keeping them under control? a. Most bacteria cannot survive high temperatures for long periods. b. Most bacteria are resistant to harmful chemicals. c. Most bacteria form endospores when subjected to harsh conditions. d. Most bacteria do not cause food to spoil. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 4: $500 Answer Which of the following is a characteristic of bacteria that is key to keeping them under control? a. Most bacteria cannot survive high temperatures for long periods. b. Most bacteria are resistant to harmful chemicals. c. Most bacteria form endospores when subjected to harsh conditions. d. Most bacteria do not cause food to spoil. BACK TO GAME

Topic 5: $100 Question Which of the following will NOT kill bacteria? a. boiling b. frying c. chemical disinfection d. refrigeration BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 5: $100 Answer Which of the following will NOT kill bacteria? a. boiling b. frying c. chemical disinfection d. refrigeration BACK TO GAME

Topic 5: $200 Question Unlike lytic viruses, lysogenic viruses do NOT a. inject their genetic material into the host cell. b. lyse the host cell right away. c. enter the lytic cycle. d. infect host cells. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 5: $200 Answer Unlike lytic viruses, lysogenic viruses do NOT a. inject their genetic material into the host cell. b. lyse the host cell right away. c. enter the lytic cycle. d. infect host cells. BACK TO GAME

Topic 5: $300 Question Which of the following is a way that bacteria cause disease? a. by capsids b. by conjugation c. by releasing toxins d. by nitrogen fixation BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 5: $300 Answer Which of the following is a way that bacteria cause disease? a. by capsids b. by conjugation c. by releasing toxins d. by nitrogen fixation BACK TO GAME

Topic 5: $400 Question Which of the following diseases is NOT caused by a bacterium? a. tooth decay b. AIDS c. lyme disease d. tuberculosis BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 5: $400 Answer Which of the following diseases is NOT caused by a bacterium? a. tooth decay b. AIDS c. lyme disease d. tuberculosis BACK TO GAME

Topic 5: $500 Question Which of the following is a proper use of disinfectants? a. as an antibiotic b. to start conjugation c. to preserve foods d. to sterilize a hospital BACK TO GAME ANSWER

Topic 5: $500 Answer Which of the following is a proper use of disinfectants? a. as an antibiotic b. to start conjugation c. to preserve foods d. to sterilize a hospital BACK TO GAME

FINAL ROUND Question Question: a. Choice 1 b. Choice 2 c. Choice 3 d. Choice 4 BACK TO GAME ANSWER

FINAL ROUND Answer Question: a. Choice 1 b. Choice 2 c. Choice 3 (correct answer) d. Choice 4 BACK TO GAME