Hippo’s by Freddie Hayward
Hippo Fact File Scientific name: Hippopotamus amphibious Scientific name Speed: 30 km/h (On Land, Running) Speed Weight: 1,500 kg (Adult, Male) Lifespan: 40 – 50 y Lifespan Height: 1.5 m (Adult, At Shoulder) Height Length: 3.3 – 5.2 m (Adult) Length
What do Hippos eat? Hippos graze on land, they prefer short creeping grass and small green shoots and reeds.
Where do Hippo’s live? They live in Africa, and spend much of their time in water and in swamps. Resting in water helps keep hippopotamuses temperature down.
Other Hippo facts… Hippos can be extremely aggressive, especially if they feel threatened. They are regarded as one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. A male hippopotamus is called a ‘bull’. A female hippopotamus is called a ‘cow’. A baby hippo is called a ‘calf’. Although hippos might look a little chubby, they can easily outrun a human.
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