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By Lucas Thoelke. Description  Kingdom- Animalia  Phylum- Chordata  Class- Mammalia  Order- Artiodactyla  Family- Hippopotamidae.

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Presentation on theme: "By Lucas Thoelke. Description  Kingdom- Animalia  Phylum- Chordata  Class- Mammalia  Order- Artiodactyla  Family- Hippopotamidae."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Lucas Thoelke

2 Description  Kingdom- Animalia  Phylum- Chordata  Class- Mammalia  Order- Artiodactyla  Family- Hippopotamidae

3 Shape and Dimensions  The shape of a hippo is a huge oval for a body with legs. It almost could look like a shaved cow.  Length- 13 to 14 feet  Height- About 5 feet  Weight- 4,000 to 8,000 lb

4 Color Hippo’s are mostly gray but have some pink spots of them and have some parts of body such as there head more pink than other parts.

5 Habitat

6 Part Of World And Environment  Hippo’s live mostly in Africa, But also in some parts of Asia.  Most zoo’s around the world have hippo’s though  The environment that Hippo’s like is swampy areas, some lakes, rivers and streams.

7 Diet

8 What They Eat  Hippo’s are herbivores which means they only eat plants, no meat.  They eat soft grass, shrubs, reeds, leaves, fallen nuts or fruits.

9 Family Life

10 Offspring  One baby calf born at a time  Gestation- 8 months  Born all year round  The mother lets the baby calf ride on the back until able to hunt and walk by them selves.  The baby calf will stay with the same herd for it’s entire life

11 Shelter  The only shelter a hippo has is the water it lives in and grass, but hippo’s don’t really need any shelter because nothing attacks hippo’s except for the occasional crocidile

12 Social Behavior  Hippo’s are born to a herd, and when they are born to a herd they stay with that herd for the rest of their lives and will stop at nothing to protect the herd

13 Characteristics

14 Temperament  One of the most aggressive animals in the world  About 300 people die per year from Hippo attacks

15 Habitats and Unique Behavior  Live mostly in Africa, by watering holes or rivers, or streams.  The average male Hippo will get into a fight 3 times a day.  For defense they fight with their mouths

16 Acquiring Food and Life-Span  It doesn’t take very much effort for a hippo to get food because they are herbivores.  At night hippo’s will often sneak into farms crop fields and eat there crops  Hippo’s live 30 to 40 years  But they live over 50 in captivity

17 History of the Hippo

18 Hippo’s In Ancient Egypt  Large numbers of Hippo’s were found by the Nile river in Ancient Egypt.  Hippo’s would forage in the wetlands along the Nile river  Egyptians feared Hippo’s due to their large bodies, large teeth, and aggressive nature

19 Present status  The regular hippo is vulnerable which means they have numbers but are almost considered endangered.  The pygmy Hippo is endangered.

20 Relationship to Humans

21  In Africa hippo’s and humans actually live fairly close to each other, but the natives know not to get to close to them

22 Fun Facts!  An adult Hippo can run up to 14 miles per hour on land  Can store up to two days worth of grass in its stomach  Adult hippo’s can hold their breath up to 30 minutes  Hippo’s vocalization is measured at 115 decibels, which is like standing 15 feet away from a speaker at a rock concert!

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