Ongoing Work of the Joint Venture on Managing for Development Results (JV MfDR) Stefan Schmitz, Senior Policy Advisor Aid Effectiveness OECD Development.


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Presentation transcript:

Ongoing Work of the Joint Venture on Managing for Development Results (JV MfDR) Stefan Schmitz, Senior Policy Advisor Aid Effectiveness OECD Development Co-operation Directorate 21 March 2008

4 Joint Ventures (JV) under the DAC Working Party on Aid Effectiveness JV Monitoring the Paris Declaration JV Public Financial Management JV Procurement JV Managing for Development Results

The Results Pyramid OWNERSHIP MANAGING FOR RESULTS ALIGNMENT MUTUAL ACCOUNTABILITY Partners set the agenda OWNERSHIP Aligning with partners’ agenda Relying on partners’ systems ALIGNMENT Common arrangements Simplifying procedures Sharing information HARMONISATION MANAGING FOR RESULTS

Managing for Results in the Paris Declaration 43. Managing for results means managing and implementing aid in a way that focuses on the desired results and uses information to improve decision making 44. Partner countries commit to … Endeavour to establish results-oriented reporting and assessment frameworks that monitor progress against key dimensions of the national and sector development strategies; … (Indicator 11) 45. Donors commit to: Link country programming and resources to results and align them with effective partner country performance assessment frameworks, … Work with partner countries to rely, as far as possible, on partner countries’ results-oriented reporting and monitoring frameworks. Harmonize their monitoring and reporting requirements, and, until they can rely more extensively on partner countries’ statistical, monitoring and evaluation systems, … 46. Partner countries and donors jointly commit to: Work together in a participatory approach to strengthen country capacities and demand for results based management

Paris Declaration Indicator 11 MANAGING FOR RESULTS TARGET FOR 2010 11 Results-oriented frameworks – Number of countries with transparent and monitorable performance assessment frameworks to assess progress against (a) the national development strategies and (b) sector programmes. Reduce the gap by one-third – Reduce the proportion of countries without transparent and monitorable performance assessment frameworks by one-third

MfDR Definition Managing for Development Results (MfDR): Management strategy that involves evidence- based decision making in the pursuit of human development. MfDR uses sound information for policy making and involves practical tools (that altogether constitute the core elements of any “MfDR cycle”).

MfDR Cycle PLANNING & DECISION M. FEEDBACK MONITORING & EVALUATION Goals National Development Plan Impacts Outcome Resource Plans (Budget Link) Resource Uses Sector Plans Output (Products, Services) Service Provision

Leadership and Accountability Monitoring and Evaluation MfDR Roundtable Hanoi 2007 Leadership and Accountability Monitoring and Evaluation Mutual Accountability and Partnerships Planning and Budgeting Statistics

Post Hanoi: The agreed role of the JV MfDR Help partner countries and donors to address MfDR and Mutual Accountability Identify emerging good practice Develop guidelines Act as a prime advocate for MfDR

JV MfDR Work Program 07-08 A Conceptual and Technical Guidance on MfDR Conceptual Guidance on MfDR A2 MfDR Country Capacity Assessment B Promoting Accountability for Results B1 Mutual Accountability at International Level B2 Mutual Accountability at Country Level C Improving Agency Effectiveness for Results C1 Assessment of Agency Effectiveness C2 Procedures and Incentives in Donor Agencies D Mutual Learning and Communication for Results D1 Community of Practice Asia-Pacific D2 Community of Practice Africa D3 Community of Practice Latin America D4 JV MfDR Communication & Cooperation Tool D5 Third Edition of a Sourcebook on MfDR

MfDR Country Capacity Assessment: The Message See MfDR as a country system Donors and partner countries are jointly committed to strengthen MfDR capacities Country based M&E and statistical capacities are crucial basics. Reliable performance frameworks enable greater accountability and allow donors to refrain from imposing their own M&E and reporting requirements (alignment).

MfDR Country Capacity Assessment: The Tool Harmonized tool kit Capacity assessment in the fields of Leadership, Accountability, Planning & Budgeting, M&E, Statistics Pilot testing in Namibia, Malawi, Afghanistan and Moldova To be launched at the Accra HLF

Procedures and Incentives in Donor Agencies: The Message Stronger ‘performance culture’ is a challenge not only for partner countries, but also for donor agencies. Management and staff behaviour important to increase aid effectiveness. Procedures and incentives to be targeted at behaviour; replace short-term benefits with long-term return of investments.

Procedures and Incentives in Donor Agencies: The Product Good practice guidelines for appropriate procedures and incentives; including a self-assessment tool to assist donors agencies. To be tested with local aid-coordination groups. To be presented at the Accra HLF.

Regional MfDR Communities of Practice Operating in Asia-Pacific Starting phase in Africa To be launched in Latin America Asian-Pacific CoP: Very strong focus on Monitoring & Evaluation

JV MfDR involved in the Accra HLF Organizer of Roundtable 4 “Managing for Development Results” Contributor to Roundtable 5 “Mutual Accountability” Contributor to HLF Input and Output Documents

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