Cyber Time Personal Information Stranger danger Cyber Bulling How to use Internet in School Staying safe Adionna Stanco.


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Presentation transcript:

Cyber Time Personal Information Stranger danger Cyber Bulling How to use Internet in School Staying safe Adionna Stanco

Personal Information DO NOT SHARE … Your name or your parents’ name. GOT IT YALLL?

Stranger Danger If someone asks you a weird question than log off, tell an adult, or say NO! (Meow) GARY COME HERE

Cyber Bullying If you notice cyber bullying STOP and help. Also you need to tell an adult. ASAP

How to use Internet in School Print with teacher’s permission. Only use for good. If you see something bad log OFF!

Staying Safe Hi guys do not post videos and do not share personal information. Than you will be safe. Safety first to avoid the worst