“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?”


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Presentation transcript:

“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?” II Peter 1:3 — “…His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.”

“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?” II Timothy 3:16,17 — “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?” • We only know what has been revealed. Deuteronomy 29:29 « We can trust that God will: 1.) Do what He has said; 2.) Do what is just and right!

“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?” I. God commands everyone to repent. (Acts 17:24-31). What is repentance? • Before the flood — Genesis 6:6 – “And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart” (KJV).

“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?” I. God commands everyone to repent. (Acts 17:24-31). What is repentance? • The Golden calf — Exodus 32:14 – “And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people.” (KJV).

“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?” I. God commands everyone to repent. (Acts 17:24-31). What is repentance? • It is a change of mind… … followed by a change of action (Acts 26:20).

“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?” II. God will judge men through Jesus (Acts 17:30,31). “All men” “Everywhere” “Through Jesus”

“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?” III. There is no way to the Father except through Christ (John 14:6). Acts 17 “All men è “Repent” Judged through Christ John 14 “No man” Except through Son

“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?” III. There is no way to the Father except through Christ (John 14:6). What does tell us? 1.) God wants every human being everywhere to obey Jesus; 2.) No one can come to God without Jesus; 3.) All will be judged through Jesus!

“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?” IV. Those who do not obey the gospel are lost (II Thessalonians 1:3-10). What This Means. 1.) One who has not obeyed the gospel faces everlasting destruction.

“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?” IV. Those who do not obey the gospel are lost (II Thessalonians 1:3-10). What This Means. 2.) Ignorance will not excuse a person, because even those who do not know God face everlasting destruction.

“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?” IV. Those who do not obey the gospel are lost (II Thessalonians 1:3-10). What This Means. 3.) The one who has not obeyed the gospel is classed with those who persecute the church.

“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?” V. What Is Obedience To The Gospel? (Colossians 1:3-6). • It is something that is heard (vs. 5). • It has come to all (vs. 6). • It brings forth fruit (vs. 6).

“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?” VI. How Can I Begin To Be Obedient to the Gospel? (Acts 2:36-39). • It is a burial with Christ unto a new life (Romans 6:1-6).

“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?” VI. How Can I Begin To Be Obedient to the Gospel? (Acts 2:36-39). • It is a part of putting on Christ (Galatians 3:26,27).

“Will God Save Good People Outside of Christ?” VI. How Can I Begin To Be Obedient to the Gospel? (Acts 2:36-39). • It is necessary for salvation (Acts 22:12-16).