Co-funded by the European Union CONSORTIUM: Future Internet Open Data #opendata #fippp #fiware Youssef Sabbah Europe Unlimited Brussels, 3rd October st Call for Proposals
Co-funded by the European Union CONSORTIUM: What is FINODEX? 2 += It is a project to support the development and creation of innovative ICT-based products and services making use of FIWARE platform and open data.
Co-funded by the European Union CONSORTIUM: Future Internet Public Private Partnership 3 16 accelerators will grant access to €80 million projects under FIWARE platform between 2014 and 2015
Co-funded by the European Union CONSORTIUM: What is FIWARE? 4 FIWARE is a technological platform offering technical capacities under Cloud Computing, IoT, Big Data, Networks and Devices, Services and Apps and Security Offering open APIs through Generic & Specific Enablers On-going examples:
Co-funded by the European Union CONSORTIUM: Who is involved in FINODEX? 5 Innovation manager Expert on FIWARE Private investors networks Business generation training Access to SMEs Start-up accelerator and open data expert
Co-funded by the European Union CONSORTIUM: How is FINODEX helping SMEs and web entrepreneurs? 6 Offering 5 free professional services to the selected projects via open call: Technical and business training Technical support and mentoring Connecting with other FI-PPP initiatives Funding (up to €170,000 per project) Linkage with private investors
Co-funded by the European Union CONSORTIUM: Who can apply to the funds? 7 SMEs : according to EC definition Individuals : from 1 to 4 people from these countries: any EU-member state or Associated countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, FYR Macedonia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey.
Co-funded by the European Union CONSORTIUM: What is the approach by FINODEX? 8 Phase 1 proposal 1st open call (7/10/2014 – 19/12/2014) Phase 2 design Deliverable showing the project design and business case Phase 3 development Working apps/ services/ products Phase 4 tuning Before market release, final adjustments, customers’ tryouts.. 50*30*10* 2 months5 months 2 months * Living projects
Co-funded by the European Union CONSORTIUM: What’s the funding like? 9 Phase 1 proposal no funding Phase 2 design € 10,000 per project Phase 3 development € 40,000 per project Phase 4 tuning € 50,000 per project Prizes 1 st € 70,000 2 nd € 35,000 3 rd €15, Up to €2,320,000 in this call Up to 50 projects funded in this call
Co-funded by the European Union CONSORTIUM: 1 st Open calls – What is needed? 10 PROJECT PROPOSAL Up to 10 pages. Addressing one or several domains: Health, Transport, Environment, Finance or Bottom-up approach 1. ADMIN INFORMATION What’s your name? address? Company? Where are you from? etc HONOUR DECLARATION You agree with the conditions of the call and the submitted information is true ONLINE SUBMISSION Via F6S Platform Fulfil a short questionnaire in the platform 4.
Co-funded by the European Union CONSORTIUM: Proposal sections – Evaluation criteria 11 TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE: WHAT and HOW? objectives, open datasets, results. 1. IMPACT: What business model? What impact in society? 3. IMPLEMENTATION CAPACITY: Who are you? What’s your experience? 4. FIWARE USAGE: What FIWARE Technologies? How? 2.
Co-funded by the European Union CONSORTIUM: DO NOT… 12 Participate with your company if it is not a SME Submit a research proposal Present a proposal without using FIWARE technologies or open data Expect double funding of the same project by different accelerators Be afraid of asking questions!
Co-funded by the European Union CONSORTIUM: Thanks! Contact Project website: Submission platform: Social finodex Future Internet Open Data Expansion This project is co-funded by the European Union