ROUND TABLE:ORANGE Report on effective leadership in Public Administration and Resource Management. MPUMALANGA SENIOR MANAGEMENT SUMMIT 2014, INGWENYAMA LODGE 27 November
TABLE OF CONTENT Purpose Effective Leader in Public Service Building Effective Leadership Benefits of effective Leadership Drivers of Improved Service Delivery Service Delivery Improvement Models, Principles and Practices. Role of effective leadership Effective Public Resource Management Summary and Conclusion 2 2
PURPOSE To appraise the Mpumalanga Senior Management summit on effective leadership and resources management in the Public Administration. 3
WHAT IS AN EFFECTIVE LEADER IN PUBLIC SERVICE ? … 1.An effective leader shapes the future - Where are we going?. Influencing others to understand the direction and strategies aligned to overall government objectives and policies. Figure out where the government institution / department needs to go to succeed; Test ideas pragmatically against current resources (Budget, Human Capital, Government capabilities) innovations; Involve others to get from the present to the desired future. 5
WHAT IS AN EFFECTIVE LEADER IN PUBLIC SERVICE ? … 2. Make things happen - How will we make sure we get to where we are going? Translate strategy into action and put the systems in place for others to do the same. Know which key decisions to take and which to delegate, Promote effective team work Keep promises to stakeholders. 6
WHAT IS AN EFFECTIVE LEADER IN PUBLIC SERVICE ?… 3. Engage today’s talent. “Who goes with us on our business journey?” Identify, build, and engage talent to get results. Identify what skills are required, Draw talent to organizations, engage people and communicate extensively, Ensure that employees turn in their best efforts. 7
WHAT IS AN EFFECTIVE LEADER IN PUBLIC SERVICE ?… 4. Build the next generation. “Who stays and sustains the Public Sector for the next generation?” Ensure that the public sector has the longer¬term competencies required for future strategic success; Install rules that demonstrate a pledge to building the next generation of talent within Public Sector. Help future leaders be successful. Build a workforce plan focused on future talent. Help employees see their future careers within Public Sector. 8
WHAT IS AN EFFECTIVE LEADER IN PUBLIC SERVICE ?… 5. Invest in yourself - Personal proficiency. Not be reduced to what they know or what they do. Leaders are learners: from success, failure, people, and life itself. Effective leaders inspire loyalty and goodwill. Act with integrity and trust. 9
BUILDING EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP Developing a shared philosophy Mentoring and coaching, Training and development from accredited institutions (capacity building) Build a culture of service delivery Sustainability of good practice 10
BENEFITS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP Capable developmental state responsive to community demands. Effective and efficient service delivery machinery. Increased compliance with laws and regulations, accountability and responsibility. Championing the needs of the people (People first). Quality and sustainable services delivery. 11
DRIVERS OF IMPROVED SERVICE DELIVERY Effective leadership Long term planning (Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation) Resources availability (Systems, budget, people) Economical, effective and efficient management of resources Community participation(expectations) Effective Communication and knowledge sharing 12
SERVICE DELIVERY IMPROVEMENT : MODELS NDP and Provincial Vision 2030 Centre of excellence Clustering of government services at one point e.g Thusong centres Intergovernmental Relations and Integrated planning. Public Private Partnership e.g roads Public participation (Responsive IDPs) Promotion of Cooperatives and Local Service Providers (Improve Local economy) Replicate pockets of excellence and benchmarking. 13
SERVICE DELIVERY IMPROVEMENT : PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES Credible Strategic Plans / APP aligned to National and Provincial priorities Strengthening Morning and Evaluation systems Batho Pele (Back to basics) Good Governance (King III report) Service Standards Compliance with laws and regulations Insulation from political intervention 14
ROLE OF GOOD LEADERSHIP Shapes the future - Where are we going? Make things happen - How to get to where we are going? Engage today’s talent. “Who goes with us on our journey? (influence others to understand the vision)” Build the next generation. “Who stays and sustains the Public Sector for the next generation?” Ready to serve, instil fiscal discipline and Accountability. 15
KEY CONTRIBUTORY FACTORS TO SHRINKING PUBLIC RESOURCES … Competing government priorities Lack of integrated planning Fraud and corruption Overreliance on consultants Poor revenue collection due to poor quality services. Wastage (Reported Fruitless & Wasteful Expenditure) Population growth and immigration v/s limited resources 17
KEY CONTRIBUTORY FACTORS TO SHRINKING PUBLIC RESOURCES Unreliable data Inadequate quality assurance Non compliance with laws and regulations and internal policies. Lack of Monitoring and Evaluation systems 18
WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE? … Strengthen Integrated planning with Public Sector. Strengthening partnership with the private sector Build internal capacity to reduce overreliance on consultants and external service providers Compliance with law and regulations Reprioritization of limited resources Strengthen recruitment systems to achieve the desired outcomes BBBEE (use of Supply chain principles to achieve other growth imperatives) 19
WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE? Eradicate fraud and corruption Enhance public accountability and fiscal discipline Improve quality of services to enhance revenue collection. Enforce compliance with laws and regulations and internal control measures Consequence management for wastage. 20
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Our Province deserves the vibrant, effective, unrelenting and fiscal discipline leadership committed to improve the lives of its citizens. 21