Monday, November 1, 2010 English II


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Presentation transcript:

Monday, November 1, 2010 English II What is your conscience? Can your conscience mislead you? Write about a time when you thought you were doing something right, but you found out you were wrong in the end.

Monday, Nov. 1, 2010 Practical Writing We are going to being a research project this week. We’ll be researching the career you want to pursue in the library. Your final product will be a brochure about your career. This will be a test grade!! Your participation and work ethic will be part of the grade. Journal Entry: What career will you be researching? What first got you interested in that career?

Monday, November 1, 2010 English I PreAP You have a quiz over the background notes from last week when the bell rings. If I were you, I would use the time before the bell rings to study and look over my notes!

Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010 English II Complete the front and back of the handout on fragments that I gave you at the door. We will discuss it in a moment.

Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010 English I PreAP Read the passage and answer questions 16-18. We will discuss them in a moment. You may use a dictionary or the literary dictionary to help you. Do NOT share answers or help each other. We will use this same handout for the DLA tomorrow.

Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2010 English II In Act I, scenes 2 and 3, Cassius explains why he is opposed to Caesar. Does Cassius seem motivated more by personal rivalry or by concern for the future of Rome? Cite details to support your conclusion.

Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2010 English I PreAP Using the DLA handout from yesterday, read the passage and answer the questions 19-22. Again, you may use the dictionary or literary dictionary, but DO NOT share answers or help each other. I want to see what YOU can do! 

Thursday, Nov. 4, 2010 English II Freytag’s Pyramid says that the first act of a tragedy gives us the main conflict that the play is going to revolve around. Explain in your own words the background information given and the major conflict of Julius Caesar in Act I.

Thursday, Nov. 4, 2010 English I PreAP How would you characterize Romeo? Use evidence from the play to support your answer. Hint: Give an answer in your own words, and use a quote from the play that supports your idea.

Friday, Nov. 5, 2010 English II In your journal, not on this paper, contrast (tell the difference between) the relationship between Caesar and Calpurnia with the relationship between Brutus and Portia. What do the differences suggest about the character of each man?

Friday, Nov. 5, 2010 English I PreAP Freytag’s Pyramid says that the first act of a tragedy gives us the main conflict that the play is going to revolve around. Explain in your own words the background information given and the major conflict of Romeo and Juliet in Act I.