ATLANTIS IN ANTARCTICA A theory of F.Barbiero BACKGROUND Atlantis is Antarctica according to the italian engineer Flavio Barbiero. In fact Antarctica.


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Presentation transcript:

ATLANTIS IN ANTARCTICA A theory of F.Barbiero BACKGROUND Atlantis is Antarctica according to the italian engineer Flavio Barbiero. In fact Antarctica is a continental island beyond the Pillars of Heracles The climatic conditions, before the end of the last ice age, could allow man to live in temperate zones, the northern coast of Antarctica. Survivors told the island was flooded and submerged owing to the shifting of the poles after the catastrophe. In fact the constellation map, which they used to find the way when travelling by ship, was translated so that the coordinates given by it weren’t the same as before. So they weren’t able to find Atlantis (Antarctica) again. Next to the sea, in the northern coast, a flat plain lies beneath ice. It’s supposed to be Plato’s plateau.

ATLANTIS IN ANTARCTICA A theory of F.Barbiero RESEARCH Actually Antarctica belongs to several nations and it’s divided into different “political” areas. Some nations made expeditions in order to study the climatic conditions of the island through years. The result was that Antarctica wasn’t widely free from ice before millions of years ago. 12,000 years ago just the narrow northern coast had a hailing weather. Almost the entire island was covered by ice. Flavio Barbiero had the chance to try two expeditions even if they were not so lucky under the profile of organization. He had the opportunity to find some fossilized trunks that could be dated back to 12,000 years ago.

ATLANTIS IN ANTARCTICA A theory of F.Barbiero MEDIA INTEREST This theory had a large success during last 6 years thanks to the book “When the sky fell”, written by two canadians, Rand and Rose Flem – Ath. Since they published their work the theory was hailed as a new fantastic discovery and gained lot of points, going to compete with the Mid-Atlantic one. Flem – Ath work, which clearly sums up Barbiero’s one and Hapgood’s discoveries, met the favours of writers like Graham Hancock, Bauval or John Anthony West, who are among the best sellers of the last years for books regarding the archaeological mysteries. Anyway few people speak about Barbiero, who is the real father of the theory. Not only: he shows even a more detailed and concrete picture of the problem of Atlantis, while Flem – Ath work is still full of misinterpretations.

ATLANTIS IN ANTARCTICA A theory of F.Barbiero GEOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE. The capital city, according to Barbiero, lies in the coast next to Weddel Sea

ATLANTIS IN ANTARCTICA A theory of F.Barbiero NOTES Though this is the theory which actually common people consider the most reliable it has a fatal weak point. Plato, in fact, told the entire island of Atlantis was inhabited and divided in to 10 regions. Only a small part, science shows that, was free from ice 12,000 years ago. Plato clearly told the whole island had comfortable climatic conditions and never spoke about ice. Then Antarctica isn’t in front of the Pillars of Heracles, but far away.

ATLANTIS IN ANTARCTICA A theory of F.Barbiero FINAL BRIEF Author Flavio Barbiero Seriousness High Research weak Reference “A cicilization beneath the ice” by Flavio Barbiero “When the sky fell” by Rand and Rose Flem – Ath Flem – Ath website