D I S C O V E R Y ! Refocus Your Life D I S C O V E R Y ! Failure to Launch Luke 10:38-42 (p.735)


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Presentation transcript:

D I S C O V E R Y ! Refocus Your Life

D I S C O V E R Y ! Failure to Launch Luke 10:38-42 (p.735)

Jesus – the discovery of a lifetime…and a lifetime of discovery

Church for People Who Don’t Like Church!

God reveals Himself to you so you can adjust your life to Him, and join Him in His mission.

To refocus your life, make the “one thing” the main thing.

“being transformed to be more and more like Jesus” Discipleship

Exemplify godly character. Exemplify godly character. Do good to others. Do good to others. Be family representatives of Christ on earth. Be family representatives of Christ on earth. The Role of a “Disciple”

To refocus your life, make the “one thing” the main thing. Luke 10:38-42 (p.735)