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10.4 Living the Christian Life Vocation Teachings on Christian Life (Jesus’ teachings “Sermon on the Mount”) CAFOD.

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1 10.4 Living the Christian Life Vocation Teachings on Christian Life (Jesus’ teachings “Sermon on the Mount”) CAFOD

2 Do all Christians have one, or just some? Vocation To K the different types of vocation To U that Christians show vocation by being a disciple, a Church member, a witness. What is a “Vocation”? = a call from God to live the Christian life, as disciple, church member & witness. Everyone, by virtue of their baptism, has a vocation to live the Christian life.

3 Marriag e Active life (member of a religious community, who works in society eg Sr Brenda) Contemplative life (member of a religious community whose life is exclusively prayer and meditation) Living in Religious Community = monastic life (live as a group, following the Rule of their founder) Family life Witness to Christ A life of discipleship Watch the video. What is this man’s vocation ? Which of the words below would describe it ? Priesthood (Holy Orders) Single life Which of these vocations could be followed by a lay Christian? (= someone who hasn’t made any extra religious commitment apart from their baptism/ confirmation). Organise them under two headings: “Lay Christian” and “Consecrated Life”. Which vocation do you think is most difficult ? Or that you personally would find hardest?

4 1. disciple 2. member of the Church 3. witness Look back at your lesson aims. What do the following mean? Following the example & teachings of Jesus, in obedience to the Father, like the disciples & Jesus himself. Living out a special task or purpose given to you by God. Following the teachings of Jesus through the Church, taking the Sacraments and participating in parish life. Showing what believing in God means by the way you live your life: showing God’s love, true faith in Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit working in your life. How do you show vocation in your life now ? Which are you not so good at?

5 Which of these people is living out their vocation as a Catholic? NameAre they a disciple ? (listen and follow Jesus’ teachings) Are they a member of the church? (take the sacraments, part of parish life) Are they a witness ? (show their Christian faith in action) Are they a good example of living out a vocation? (marks /5) Loretta Richard Penny Tony Jackie Sr Bridget Choose one of the characters, and explain how they are good/ not so good at living out a Catholic vocation.

6 Your Own Prayer for Vocation

7 God has created me to do Him some definite service; He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have my mission - I may never know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next. I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons. He has not created me for naught. I shall do good, I shall do His work; I shall be a preacher of truth in my own place, while not intending it, if I do but keep His commandments and serve Him in my calling. Bl. John Henry Newman

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