Intergovernmental Decisions on Sustainability -- A role for business and industry at the UN Commission on Sustainable Development Mohan Peck United Nations.


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Presentation transcript:

Intergovernmental Decisions on Sustainability -- A role for business and industry at the UN Commission on Sustainable Development Mohan Peck United Nations Presentation to the UNEP Business and Industry Global Consultation Paris, October 24, 2008

The Marrakech Process Responds to the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation of WSSD and is a global expert process to support the: implementation of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) activities, and elaboration of 10-year framework of programmes in support of regional and national initiatives to accelerate the shift towards SCP Goal To bring to CSD-19 in 2011 a framework of programmes that promotes actions that could significantly change patterns of consumption and production

Why is input of business and industry to the Marrakech Process important? UN now developing a framework of policy options and possible measures on sustainable consumption and production for intergovernmental agreement Inputs requested from all stakeholders in Marrakech Process: including business, trade unions, consumer associations, environmental NGOs, UN agencies 4 th International Meeting on SCP in Bangkok 2009: agreement will be sought on draft framework Framework will be presented for intergovernmental negotiations in

Main Functions of a 10YFP on SCP constitutes a framework for national actions and international and regional cooperation on SCP identifies priority activities of both a cross-cutting and sectoral nature matches demand for and supply of knowledge, finance, technical assistance and capacity building for activities to foster SCP encourages and supports partnerships, research, capacity building, pilot projects and award schemes for SCP encourages commitments to provide knowledge, technology transfer, financing and capacity building for SCP activities supports countries or regions willing to set specific goals with regard to activities and priorities related to SCP.

Government decisions will be shaped in part by views of key stakeholders Business & Industry Government Consumers

Sustainability is getting higher on the business agenda 1. Sustainability agenda of business has grown dramatically in Efforts to “green” supply chains are increasingly common, even leading to collaboration between companies in the same sectors 3. Corporate social responsibility is leveraging stronger customer loyalty and community buy-in 4. Emerging climate change policy agenda is greening investment decisions of business 5. Socially responsible investors are influencing corporate board rooms 6. Trade unions are incorporating sustainability measures in collective bargaining agreements

Sustainability agenda of business: Top 5 strategic actions 1 Redesign logistics/transport system Redesign procurement/sourcing strategy around sustainable products Focus on emission/carbon footprint reduction strategy Improve waste management through enhanced material efficiency via recycling and reuse Redesign of products and packaging 1 “ Building a Green Supply Chain”, Aberdeen Group, 2008

How you can make a difference! Work with ICC to contribute inputs to the 10YFP: 1. On how to enhance CSR and accountability 2. On what policy environment / incentive schemes would best support you in your efforts Let government officials know your sustainability strategies so that together we can get the framework right!

Thanks for further info, contact Mohan Peck,