SPILL RESPONSE Training Program.


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Presentation transcript:

SPILL RESPONSE Training Program

Objectives Become familiar with applicable regulatory standards Demonstrate an understanding of potential hazards and appropriate responses Demonstrate an understanding of NYMC procedures Your health and safety, and that of your coworkers’, depends on your understanding of the information NYMC and chemical manufacturers provide about handling chemicals. This information can help you prevent disabling injury, serious illness, even death due to explosion, fire, overexposure to chemicals or other accident. Mishandling chemicals is a common cause of accidents. OSHA established the Hazard Communication (HazCom) Standard to protect the health and safety of workers. Three important aspects include: Proper container labeling, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and worker training (proper handling, storage, usage, transportation, and emergency procedures when applicable). Also applicable are the OSHA Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Standard and the NYMC Laboratory Safety Manual. Principal Investigator instructions and procedures may compliment these regulations and procedures. When working with chemicals always have available: The associated chemical MSDS for quick reference (you should read it before beginning a job). Know emergency procedures and follow instructions.

Why Do We Need Spill Kits? Because Accidents Happen!! Chemical spills occur despite the best work procedures and practices. Potential hazards must be recognized. YOU need to know the safest response. Therefore, knowledge of NYMC procedures is required. Employees have a need to know what are the potential hazards in a workplace, and the appropriate response, that may even result in evacuation. Occasionally, despite the best work procedures and practices, chemical spills occur. The better a worker can respond to the emergency the less likelihood there will be serious personal injury or property damage

Chemical Spill Response Emergency Action Plan Identifies a typical chemical spill and defines appropriate response Fundamental requirements Priority: personal safety Assessment of the Incident NYMC has defined a minor spill to which you may respond as: Spilled quantity is less than 100 ml Spill covers less than 10 sq. ft. (10 floor tiles) Substance spilled is not extremely hazardous Evacuation Unsafe condition Extremely hazardous spill If a spill occurs on the floor, count the number of floor tiles as each floor tile is typically 1-square foot. If any of these requirements are not matched, or if you are untrained, leave the area immediately and report the incident.

Chemical Spill Response Emergency Action Plan Notification of procedure Before taking any other action contact Security, x4226 Provide all information requested, in particular: Name Room Number What/How much was spilled Security will then contact EHS EHS will respond to the spill to assess the hazard and provide health and clean-up information. This information can help in determining if the spill can be adequately handled with the spill kit or will require an outside contractor (i.e: hazmat team). Find and read the MSDS for information on health hazards and other emergency response.

Chemical Spill Response Emergency Action Plan Limits of Response The emergency chemical spill kit is designed for use in a minor spill. Everyone in the lab should know the location of the nearest spill kit Know the locations of eyewash and safety showers Ventilation, use of PPE and Spill Kit Ensure adequate ventilation PPE must be worn at ALL times Report injuries to Health Services Dept. Circumstances which define the nature of a spill and available resources are available in the Emergency Action Plan. A list of spill kit locations is available from EHS.

Spill Kit Located in each lab Contains gloves, absorbent pads, sheets, goggles, aprons & disposal bags. An inventory on the outside of the bucket lists what is contained inside Periodically check the spill kit to see if supplies need to be replenished. Additional supplies may be obtained from EHS

Conclusion Know potential hazards and adhere to emergency procedures It may save your life If a procedure is not clear, or you have a questions, ASK SOMEONE TO EXPLAIN Know where the spill kits are located Report all unsafe conditions and incidents Report before taking any action In an emergency, remember to call Security at x 4226 Do not, by your actions, create hazardous situations that may endanger employees Store and handle chemicals in a proper manner At or below eye level If you cannot safely respond - Evacuate

Biological Spills Biohazard Spill Kits can be found in each lab. The kits are equipped with spill control material along with instructions for use. All laboratory personnel are encouraged to use these materials to clean up small to medium size biohazardous spills within their work area. Use of Spill Kit material should be reported to the EHS Department x4078 so kits can be replenished.

…continued For clean up assistance, call Security at x4226 and provide the following information: Name Location Description of incident Name of Agent * While awaiting EHS response, use caution barrier tape to identify spill area.

Mercury Spills Elemental mercury is extremely toxic to the body in high and low doses and can enter the body via ingestion, inhalation and dermal exposure Depending on the type of exposure, the target organ(s) may vary Ex: inhalation of mercury vapors can lead to brain and neural toxicity Metallic mercury slowly evaporates when exposed to the air. The air in a room can reach contamination levels just from the mercury in a broken thermometer This is why all mercury spills, regardless of quantity, should be treated seriously

…continued If a spill occurs, the following action is to be taken: Immediately notify your PI and co-workers of the spill and isolate the area Mercury evaporates at room temperature, so ventilate the area to reduce the amount of vapors in the air Contact Security at x4226 and notify them of the spill; Security will notify EHS

Conclusion Use extreme care and wear proper PPE, including a lab coat, gloves and safety goggles when handling mercury or mercury containing devices Replace any mercury-containing devices with safe alternatives If a spill occurs: Notify PI and coworkers Isolate the area and ventilate Call Security at x4226 Clean up contaminated area Contact EHS to properly dispose of waste