Part I : The EUMEDGRID-Support Project Abderrahman El Kharrim Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID-Support Event in Rabat Rabat, 30.05.2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Part I : The EUMEDGRID-Support Project Abderrahman El Kharrim Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID-Support Event in Rabat Rabat,

2 Project data & partners Objectives & strategies Work plan implementation Main planned activities Conclusions Outline

EUMEDGRID-Support Project Data Support Action co-funded by European Commission under: Capacities specific program - Research Infrastructures - FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES Project ID Duration: 24 months Start: 1 st January 2010 – – We are now at Project Month 18 Budget (EU contribution): 740 k€ Budget (Total): 867 k€ Coordinating Person: Federico Ruggieri / INFN Roma Tre

EUMEDGRID-Support Project Partners 14 Partners + 2 Third Parties from 13 Countries

Objectives & Strategic Lines Support the consolidation and expansion of the EUMEDGRID Infrastructure with a special emphasis on sustainability High Level Policy Dissemination Create a Two Level network of Competence Centres Widen the existing human network involving new user communities Closely cooperate with other projects and initiatives relevant for the Mediterranean

The EUMEDGRID e-Infrastructure 25 EUMEDGRID sites have been deployed in 13 countries, giving a total of 1800 connected Servers and about 84 TBs of storage capacity

PALESTINE Current EUMEDGRID-Support infrastructure in progress currently operational site / included in top BD-II 15 sites (10 operational today) in 11 countries CERIST CNRST CCK RomaTre GARR GRNET UoM COMETA TUBITAK ULAKBIM CYNET HIAST EUN JUNET ERI IUGAZA

Deliverables and Milestones

Implementation WP1 Project Management WP2 Communication and Dissemination WP3 Applications and Users Support WP4 e-Infrastructure sustainability and support

Country-level tasks NGI Monitoring Accounting M/WRepo. Cert. Auth. VOMS VOMS 1 st Level user supp. DataCatalogs Info. Syst. L&B WMS

EUMEDGRID-Support project level tasks MED M/W release Monitoring Accounting Catch-all CA Global VOMS 2 nd Level user supp. Gen. Info. System Knowledge repo. High level Grid services

Application lifecycle

– Formal agreements/Memorandum of Understanding are to state explicitly what the interested party needs from the project and what they will offer in return – Facilitates the relationships between those projects and EUMEDGRID activities – Extends technical work leveraging similar or complementary working carried out by other projects – Help projects interact and share their experiences – Multiplies promotional activities Community Engagement Strategic Projects Serve as a point of contact for projects which are collaborating or wish to collaborate with the project and establish formal collaboration agreements

EUMEDGRID-Support Website and contacts

Conclusions EUMEDGRID-Support is officially started on 1 January 2010 – Brand new Web Site: – Launch Event in Cairo 26 January It builds on the results of EUMEDGRID – Resuming its pilot infrastructure We already started – Good progress over the last 2 months ! – Basing on its exploited human network Will focus on e-Science in – Sustainability – High Level Policy Dissemination – Education and Training for long term support – Promoting best practices, sharing experience – Liaising EU and the Mediterranean scientists, Projects, User Communities and other eInfrastructures