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Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Establishing continental backbones "The DANTE/GEANT experience" E. Valente (GARR) International Workshop on African Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Establishing continental backbones "The DANTE/GEANT experience" E. Valente (GARR) International Workshop on African Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Establishing continental backbones "The DANTE/GEANT experience" E. Valente (GARR) International Workshop on African Research & Education Networking September 25-27 2005 CERN - Geneva, Switzerland

2 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate What is GÉANT2? 7th generation of pan-European research network infrastructure – first international hybrid network Project partners include 30 of Europe’s national research and education networks (NRENs), DANTE and TERENA Will connect 34 European countries and serve over 3500 research and education establishments across Europe Over 3 Million Users

3 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate What is GÉANT2? Provide international connectivity to other world regions Funded jointly by NRENs and European Commission Project timescale September 2004 - August 2008

4 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate GÉANT2’s Objectives Provide a gigabit-speeds infrastructure to support European research and education Provide a research infrastructure for network technology developments Develop a wider range of network services –Performance monitoring –Security –Bandwidth on demand –Testbed facility –Mobility and roaming Provide global connectivity for Europe’s research and education community

5 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Research Networking in Europe Where did we start?

6 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate EUROPANET 1996/97 Topology

7 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate October 1996 Topology

8 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate January 2000 Topology

9 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate December 2001 Topology

10 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate October 2004 Topology

11 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Research Networking in Europe And where are we now ?

12 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate August 2005 Topology

13 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate



16 CountryName of NREN International Research Connectivity (in Mbps) Status Algeria CERIST 155In service 1 Cyprus CYNET 200In service Egypt EUN 34In service Israel IUCC 310In service Malta University of Malta 20In service Jordan UniCo 45Planned 2 Morocco CNRST 34In service Syria HIAST 8Planned 2 Tunisia RFR 45In service Turkey ULAKBIM 155In service

17 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate The EUMEDGRID initiative is aimed to estabilish a Grid Infrastructure for eScience in the Mediterranean Area connected with EGEE and other related initiatives in the Balkans, North Europe, Latin America and Far-East Asia. The EUMEDGRID initiative is intended to foster and promote the international cooperation in eScience as well as the growth of the Mediterranean Countries in the fields of Research and Industry. EUMEDGRID EUMEDGRID EUMEDGRID

18 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate EUMEDGRID aims to provide specific support actions to assist the participation of the states of the Mediterranean region in the pan-European and worldwide Grid initiatives, thus expanding and supporting the European Research Area (ERA) in the region. The core of the EUMEDGRID approach is to establish a human network in the eScience area, enlarge and train this community, and establish a pilot Grid infrastructure supporting proof of concept regional applications. The reference GRID Infrastructure in Europe will be EGEE a 2 years project funded by the EU and started in April 2004. EUMEDGRID will build upon and exploit the infrastructure provided by the Gigabit Pan- European Research & Education Network (GEANT) and the Mediterranean Research and Education Networking (EUMEDCONNECT) initiative in the region.

19 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Participants INFN (Italy) Coordinator CERN (Switzerland) CYNET (Cyprus) DANTE (UK) GARR (Italy) GRNET (Greece) RED.ES (Spain) University of Malta (Malta) CERIST (Algeria) CNRST (Morocco) EUN (Egypt) HIAST (Syria) RNRST (Tunisia) TUBITAK - ULAKBIM (Turkey)

20 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Work packages WP1: Project administrative and technical management WP2: Requirement capture and analysis WP3: Pilot infrastructure deployment and operations WP4: Applications support –EGEE supported applications –Regional applications –New applications WP5: Training and dissemination 24 Months duration

21 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Infrastructure

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