They make great employees! Variety of skills and experience Department controls hiring process You need help now
Help to finance education Gain valuable skills & work experience Develop a sense of belonging and aid in retention
Regular Student Employment ◦ Department pays 100% of wage plus 1.5% Workers’ Compensation Insurance Work Study is a Financial Aid Award ◦ Student must qualify through FAFSA ◦ Award pays 75% of wage ◦ Department pays 25% + 1.5% Workers’ Compensation Insurance For more information on Work Study Awards contact the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office at
◦ Complete a job description ◦ Classify the position as Student Worker I, II, III ◦ Assign an hourly wage that is within the job classification for the position ◦ The average starting wage on-campus is $8.50
Establish an employer account on the on-line job board, Career Navigator at Student will contact your department directly Interview and select candidate *make sure that the student meets Student Employment eligibility requirements. When you select a candidate, pull up the job board number that advertised the job opening and enter number of students hired.
Fall/Spring GPA must be enrolled in 6 credits for undergraduate or 5 credits for graduate and graduate special maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 for maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 for undergraduate and graduate special or undergraduate and graduate special or 3.0 if a graduate. 3.0 if a graduate.
Summer Graduating For summer employment, students must meet the following requirements: 1)must be enrolled in the minimum credits required (6 for undergraduate and 5 for graduate and graduate special) for summer term OR 2)Are enrolled in the minimum credits required (6 for undergraduate and 5 for graduate and graduate special) for the fall semester Students who graduate at the end of a semester terminate employment on the last day of that semester, or once their degree has posted. Please remember to submit a termination PAF for these students. If she/he re-enrolls for the summer or fall for the minimum requirements for their new student status the student may continue to work.
All hiring documents are available on the Human Resource website. To assure that all documents are current, it is recommended that you do not save the forms to your desktop, but pull new forms from the the website each time they are needed. Refer to the training module “Preparing Hiring Documents” to learn more about Preparing Hiring Documents for student employees.