How to become a Qualified Teacher? By Shahid Hussain
Routes to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)
Undergraduate Routes Bachelor Degree – B.Ed BA/B.Sc with QTS Registered Teacher Programme -RTP Employment-based Initial Teacher Training- EBITT
Requirements Two A-levels or equivalent Primary Teaching: GCSE Grade C in Maths, English and Science or equivalent Secondary Teaching: GCSE Grade C in Maths and English or equivalent Appropriate Training/placement Appropriate Fees
Post Graduate Routes Postgraduate Certificate of Education PGCE School-centred Initial Teacher Training SCITT Graduate Teacher Programme-GTP Overseas Trained Teacher Programme OTTP Assessment-based Training QTS-only
Requirements Degree recognised in the UK 1 year full time or 2 year part time Appropriate placement Fee
Where to start? Primary or Secondary or Further/Adult Teaching Experience Teaching Qualification Graduate EU? Non EU? Money Which Institution? What Subject or Language to teach?
Things to Check EU/EEA Qualification recognised Contact General Teaching Council- GTC Entry Requirements Fees Non EU/EEA Qualification may not be valid Go to NARRIC Contact TDA for Advice Entry Requirements Fees
Financial Support Tuition Fees Maintenance Grant TDA Training Bursary Golden Hello Student Loan Other
Sources of further Information CILT-the National Centre for Languages TDA-Training and Development Agency for Schools GTTR-Graduate Teacher Training Registry General Teaching Council Our Languages