Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara 2014-19. “Everyone wants to live a long life, but no-one wants to get old.” Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara 2014-19.


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Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara
Presentation transcript:

Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara

“Everyone wants to live a long life, but no-one wants to get old.” Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara

“Everyone wants to live a long life and a good life, but no one wants to be made to feel old.” Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara

1.Had the current Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara Strategy made a difference in people’s lives? Were we attending to those things that cause people to feel old? 2.How could age-friendliness be further progressed in the City? What should the new strategy focus on to make the biggest difference? Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara

keep opportunities for affordable social activities, which already exist, at an affordable level provide contact between generations and across cultures the University of the Third Age and Chinese Senior Citizen groups are growing rapidly men’s sheds were regarded very positively Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara Older people told us …

Council-based home care services (despite who they were actually delivered by) provide high-quality, affordable care assisting older people to remain independent in their own homes Council’s community bus is a vital service, but also not well known in the general community congratulations for the quality and maintenance of parks and green spaces. Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara Older people told us …

… remain living in their own homes, connected and involved with their communities and contributing in a meaningful manner. Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara Older people wanted to...

Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara Theme 1: Resilient, safe and inclusive community

Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara Theme 2: Liveable, sustainable, health-promoting City

Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara Theme 3: Equitable access for all

Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara Theme 4: Best practice health and wellbeing, planning and leadership

“Everyone wants to live a long life and a good life, but no one wants to be made to feel old.” Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara

“… it is very likely that baby boomers will come up with ideas for local projects that we don’t now have, that they will want to contribute their skills and knowledge to – we need some nimbleness… Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara

Massed baby boomers

“Solving the right problem is far more important than solving the problem right: if you’re not focusing on the right thing, a great solution to a problem that nobody really cares about creates little value. But even an imperfect solution to a problem people really care about can create a lot of value.” Stephen Hoover Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara