Regional Accountability Forum February 2014. outcome context practice objectives Reflections on council health scrutiny in 2013 Council health scrutiny.


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Presentation transcript:

Regional Accountability Forum February 2014

outcome context practice objectives Reflections on council health scrutiny in 2013 Council health scrutiny in 2014 and beyond Issues in your area

re-defining relationships “We believe that many of the White Paper proposals provide opportunities to fundamentally redefine relationships and behaviours between:  professionals, patients and carers (e.g. through shared decision-making)  commissioners and providers (e.g. through shifting the balance of power and capacity to change the status quo)  commissioners, providers and communities (e.g. through involvement and influence)  commissioners, providers and councillors (e.g. through political leadership and scrutiny)” CfPS response to Equity and Excellence – October 2010

whose challenge is the greatest? An efficient service that works for patients Treat the causes not the effects People engaged in their own health and care Transparency and participation

issues for health scrutiny Regulations (February 2013): guidance not published yet – what support do you need? function of council - continue with OSC or use other models delegation of powers – what about referrals? substantial variations – what is ‘local resolution’? Priorities with less money: health services, health inequalities or something else? councils’ public health role (DPH and Public Health England) proving the added value – remember Marmot

issues continued Working with others: health and wellbeing boards, clinical commissioning groups local area teams, quality surveillance groups Care Quality Commission – new inspection regime local Healthwatch prospects for joint scrutiny? CCG, Primary Care and Specialised Commissioning: NHS England ‘call to action’, 5 year strategy and service reconfiguration CCG funding allocations Impact of Francis and Keogh