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Equity and excellence: Liberating the NHS. Will Blandamer Director, GM Public Health Network

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Presentation on theme: "Equity and excellence: Liberating the NHS. Will Blandamer Director, GM Public Health Network"— Presentation transcript:

1 Equity and excellence: Liberating the NHS

2 Will Blandamer Director, GM Public Health Network

3 Liberating the NHS 1.Putting Patients and the Public First 2.Improving HealthCare Outcomes 3.Improving Population Health 4.Autonomy, Accountability and Democratic Legitimacy GP Consortia Health and Well Being Boards 5.Cutting Bureaucracy and Improving Efficiency


5 Familiar challenges – Putting People First “ultimately, every locality should seek to have a single community based support system focussed on the health and wellbeing of the local population. Binding together local government, primary care, community based health provision, public health, social care and the wider issues of housing, employment, benefits advice and education. training”






11 Local Authority Leadership for health improvement It is intended to unlock the synergies of the wider role of Local Government Local Authority leadership for local health improvement will be complemented by the creation of a National Public Health Service Local Directors of Public Health will be jointly appointed by Local Authorities and the Public Health Service Funding for health improvement includes that spent on the prevention of ill-health by addressing lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol, diet and physical exercise –Funding for smoking cessation will be in the PHS –Funding for treatment for people with impaired lung function will be with GPs

12 Health and Wellbeing Boards To assess the needs of the population and lead the statutory strategic needs assessment To promote integration and partnership across areas (joined up commissioning plans) To support joint commissioning and pooled budget arrangements ( where all parties agree this makes sense) To undertake a scrutiny role in relation to major service re-design

13 Health and Wellbeing Boards Locally elected members (including Leader or Mayor) who can decide who is the chair Health Watch - Patient champions NHS Commissioners GP Consortia and NHS Commissioning Board (where relevant issues were being discussed) Local Government Directors DPH/DASS/DCS “We recognise the novelty of bringing elected members and officials in this way and would welcome views….”

14 Health and Wellbeing Boards to take Scrutiny role Within the scope of the NHS services, as defined by the Secretary of State, GP consortia will be free to decide commissioning priorities to reflect local needs” GP consortia will also have a duty to engage and involve the public The Health Wellbeing Board will have an important role in enabling the NHS Commissioning Board that GP consortia are fulfilling their duties in ways that are responsive to patients and the public If Health and Wellbeing Boards had significant concerns………..


16 Supporting consultation papers Commissioning for patients Regulating healthcare providers The review of arm’s-length bodies Transparency in outcomes: a framework for the NHS Local democratic legitimacy in health

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