Ud. and Uds. Commands Easy rule to remember: *Go to the yo *Drop the o *add the opposite ending -ar e, en -er/-ir a. an.


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Presentation transcript:

Ud. and Uds. Commands Easy rule to remember: *Go to the yo *Drop the o *add the opposite ending -ar e, en -er/-ir a. an

Ud. and Uds. Commands u To give an affirmative or negative command in the Ud. or Uds. form, use the present-tense yo form.

Ud. and Uds. Commands u Add -e or -en for -ar verbs. u Cortar u Corto u Señor, corte las chuletas de cerdo.

Ud. and Uds. Commands u Add -e or -en for -ar verbs. u Probar u Pruebo u Señores, prueben la carne asada.

Ud. and Uds. Commands u Add -a or -an for -er and -ir verbs. u Perder u Pierdo u No pierdan Uds. los fósforos.

Ud. and Uds. Commands u Add -a or -an for -er and -ir verbs. u Servir u Sirvo u Señorita, sirva la ensalada.

Negative commands u To make a negative command, just put the word no in front of the command u Comer u Como (go to the yo) u Com- (drop the o) u Coma (add the opposite ending) u No coma Ud. u No coman Uds.

Ud. and Uds. Commands u Attach pronouns to affirmative commands. u ¿Dónde ponemos la leña? u Pónganla en un lugar seco.

Ud. and Uds. Commands u With negative commands, pronouns go right before the verb. u ¿Encendemos la fogata ahora? u No, no la enciendan todavía.

Ud. and Uds. Commands u Buscar – busco – busce (¡NO!) u Ud. command? u No busque u Uds. command? u No busquen

Ud. and Uds. Commands u Hacer u Ud. command? u No haga u Uds. command? u No hagan

Irregular Ud. / Uds. commands u As with the present subjunctive, the following verbs are irregular: u Dar: dé Ud. den Uds. u Estar:esté Ud. estén Uds. u Ir:vaya Ud. vayan Uds. u Ser:sea Ud.sean Uds. u Saber:sepa Ud.:sepan Uds.

Ud. and Uds. Commands u Dar u Ud. command? u No dé u Uds. command? u No den

Ud. and Uds. Commands u Ir u Ud. command? u No vaya u Uds. command? u No vayan

Ud. and Uds. Commands u Ser u Ud. command? u No sea u Uds. command? u No sean