Modal auxiliaries a verb, such as 'can', 'might' and 'must', that is used with another verb to express an idea such as possibility that is not expressed.


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Presentation transcript:

Modal auxiliaries a verb, such as 'can', 'might' and 'must', that is used with another verb to express an idea such as possibility that is not expressed by the main verb of a sentence: The first verb in the following sentence is a modal: We ought to pay the gas bill.

take your grammar course p. 42 and follow the instructions

make sure your schematic surveys are complete and easy to study

this powerpoint might help you to get started!! go ahead!

Choose the correct modal auxiliary and explain your choice: Visitors ……… leave by 6 p.m. –obligation Some of you … …… help me after class. –obligation Hotel rules, external circumstances the speaker orders this - internal HAVE TO MUST

He …………………. not be hungry, he has just eaten five sandwiches. –impossibility can

You …………… not cross the street here, over there is the zebra crossing. –prohibition must

You …………… go home now. –permission can

She (hoefde niet te maken) all those exercises. – absence of obligation –Did she do them? She needn’t have done all those exercises.

You (mag niet) point at people, John. –prohibition You musTn’t point at people, John. You can’t point at people, John.

You (niet hoeven) write such a long essay, because I shan’t have time to mark it. You don’t have to write… You need’t write…

We (niet hoeven) say anything at all, which was a great comfort. –PAST context We didn’t have to say anything at all, …

You (niet hoeven) wake me up, there’s another hour before the train leaves. –Is the speaker awake? You needn’t have woken me up, ….

Take your Advanced Grammar in Use and do the exercises: Unit 15 can/ could/ be able to/ be allowed to (1 + 2 a and b) Unit 16 will/would / used to ( ) unit 17 may / might (1+2+3) Unit 18 must/have(got) to ( ) Unit 19 need(n’t)/ don’t need to /don’t have to ( ) Unit 20 should/ ought to / had better ( )

We used to be trees… 

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