Positioning Your Office for Customer Service Success VASFAA 2013 Amy Sikes Assistant Director William & Mary.


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Presentation transcript:

Positioning Your Office for Customer Service Success VASFAA 2013 Amy Sikes Assistant Director William & Mary

Each day, choose a positive attitude Often, this can diffuse a bad situation before it gets started – people respond positively to a good attitude A positive attitude influences your whole day and the people you encounter A positive attitude can also help YOU feel better, even in frustrating situations Choose your attitude!

Supervisors: Remember to reward and recognize your staff! They work hard every day and deal with some very difficult people. Do small things to help boost morale Be supportive of them in front of students/parents, even if they have made a mistake Ask frequently what you can do to help make their jobs easier Reward exceptional performance Make it easy for staff to have a positive attitude

People might be irritated in the short term, but they will be delighted in the long run NEVER promise what you arent sure the office can deliver Stay on the same page as those who are doing the work Underpromise & Overdeliver

Remember that parents and student are people I understand that youre frustrated/upset/angry Look for ways to help Even if you cant fix the problem, showing that you are trying to help creates a positive connection Show openness with body language and tone Listen actively and show you understand by repeating back to them what they have just told you Empathize

Are most of your students traditional? Millennials with helicopter parents? Do you have non-traditional students? Older, veterans? Remember that other offices on campus are also your customers! Students are not an inconvenience! Theyre the reason you have a job. Treat them with respect. Who are your customers?

Students and most parents want information delivered electronically Website – be sure to keep this up-to-date FAQs/Q&A pages are important s – strive for clarity, use a minimum of jargon Provide necessary links instead of directing them where to go to find information Train staff on proper and phone etiquette Ensure that staff members have all the information they need to provide clear and accurate answers Respond to s and voice mails in a timely fashion Clear communication is key

Supervisors and staff need to have a comprehensive understanding of FERPA See for detailed FERPA informationhttp:// Educational record, directory information No release/confidential records Be firm when explaining to people why you cant speak to them in detail about a students information Always err on the side of caution Understand FERPA

Stay positive! Overpromise & underdeliver Know your customer Communicate clearly Know your regulations! So…

Amy Sikes Assistant Director & Customer Service Manager College of William & Mary Questions?