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Effective Phone Techniques

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Phone Techniques"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Phone Techniques
Improve your job performance & Present a positive image for your organization

2 Purpose Share specific guidelines and techniques!
Enhance your job performance Present a positive image for your organization.

3 Communication 7% with our words 23% with the tone of our voice
70% by the actions of our body and face From 2005

4 7 Main Points Be Prompt, Prepared and Courteous
Employ Effective Listening Diffuse Anger or Frustration Offer Professional Assistance Delivering a Difficult Message Balancing your time with the needs of the caller Conclude the Call Professionally

5 Be Prompt, Prepared & Courteous
Answer phone on 1st ring Be ready to pay attention Use consistent greeting (Good Morning Los Rios...) Always identify the organization and your name.

6 Be Prompt, Prepared & Courteous
Be Prepared: Always have paper and pencil close Be ready to Listen Have all tools close by to answer questions

7 Be Prompt, Prepared & Courteous
Be Courteous: Treat each caller like a guest Always smile! – It can be heard! Treat each caller like you would want to be treated.

8 Effective Listening Really Listen! Two types: Comprehensive Critical
To understand what caller is saying Critical To evaluate and determine the facts

9 Effective Listening Show that you are Listening! Be attentive
Ask caller’s name and then repeat it Ask what company the caller is from Empathize with callers feelings (if necessary)

10 LISTEN… L = Let Others Speak I = Intend to ‘Hear” Them
S = Speak When It Is Your Turn T = Talk With Them, Not At Them E = Enthusiastically Respond N = Never Speak When Others Are Talking

11 Offer Professional Assistance
Establish a respectful relationship Always ask how you may help Ask caller’s name and if appropriate, the name of their company. Advise honestly what you can do to assist Be helpful but honest and don’t promise what you cannot deliver.

12 Offer Professional Assistance
If transferring or placing call on hold is necessary, always give the caller the option (ask permission). - Transfer: Advise caller who you are transferring them to and what extension. - Stay on the line to be sure someone answers. - Take call back if there is no one for them to talk with (you have already established a relationship.)

13 Offer Professional Assistance
Placing the caller on hold. Always ask their permission Check back within 30 seconds Calling the caller back. State reasonable and accurate time you can call back. Call back when promised. Promise only what you can deliver.

14 Defuse Anger and Frustration
Identify the needs of the caller Listen - Be quiet Ask Open-ended questions – allow caller to share Defuse anger with attentive listening and empathy Listen Comprehensively Empathize with Caller’s Feelings Respond to accusations without becoming defensive Defuse loud and/or aggressive language Offer quiet responses – gives no reason to yell Never take the defense – gives no reason to argue Smile and be reassuring – that you want to help to resolve the issue. Take control of the conversation Ask Specific questions Advise how you can help

15 Delivering a Difficult Message
Tips that may be helpful: Deliver the message honestly without placing blame. Advise what action will be taken (if appropriate). Advise realistic time frame (if necessary) for any action. Listen and offer Understanding without becoming defensive. Offer an apology (if necessary) for any inconvenience. Remind the caller of any responsibility they need to take. Thank the caller.

16 Balancing Your Time with the Caller’s Needs
Your time is valuable! Caller’s time is valuable! Employ effective listening. Take accurate message (READ # back) Advise caller of action being taken. Thank caller for his/her time.

17 Concluding the Call Professionally
Always thank the caller (by name) for the call. Remind the caller of what you promised (if appropriate). Remind the caller of any actions they are assuming. Remember that a clear message avoids unnecessary calls.

18 SUMMARY Be Prompt, Prepared, and Courteous Listen Effectively
Offer Professional Assistance Diffuse Anger or Frustration Deliver the difficult message positively Balance your time with callers needs Conclude the call Professionally

19 Learn It – Use It! Name (3) techniques you’ve learned
List (1) thing you will change immediately Share your best ‘phone skills’ advice Questions?


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