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Common Core Standards: RL.9-10.3, RL.9-10.5, L.9-10.3 Thursday, May 2nd, 2019 Aim: How do Juliet’s parents react to her turning down the arranged marriage to Paris in the second half of Act 3, Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet? Objective: Students will analyze character choices and motivations to better understand the text. Do Now: Answer one of the following questions. 1.) Have you ever felt betrayed by the person you trust most? What was it like? If you haven’t, what do you think it would feel like and how would you react? OR 2.) Have your parents ever called you ungrateful? What have you done that caused them to say that?

Common Core Standards: RL.9-10.3, RL.9-10.5, L.9-10.3 Thursday, May 2nd, 2019 Aim: How do Juliet’s parents react to her turning down the arranged marriage to Paris in the second half of Act 3, Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet? Objective: Students will analyze character choices and motivations to better understand the text. Agenda 1.) Do Now: Answer one or both questions, turn and talk with your tablemates. Captains will prepare to share with the class. 2.) Guided Reading: Together we will be reading the second half of Act III, Scene V, breaking down the language, looking at important passages, and analyzing the choices characters make that drive the plot of the play. 3.): Reflection: Describe and analyze the relationship between Juliet and the nurse. How and why does the relationship between the two change? Do you believe that Juliet is justified in her feelings towards the nurse? Cite important details and events from the text.

“Tell him so yourself, and see how he will take it” Juliet’s mother has already told her of the plans her father has come up with and Juliet immediately expresses her disapproval. She doesn’t reveal to her parents why, but we know why she doesn’t want to and cannot marry Paris. Why is that? Right! She’s already married to Romeo and her parents don’t know. (DRAMATIC IRONY) Lady Capulet seemingly passes responsibility of convincing Juliet to her father. “I tried and she won’t listen, your turn.” Juliet’s parents don’t seem to be taking her disobedience very well. They say terrible things about her. What does her mother say? What about her father? Lady C: “I would the fool were married to her grave!” Wow. Her mom just wished she were dead for saying no... Lord C: “Unworthy as she is, that we have wrought so worthy a gentleman to be her bride” She has the audacity to reject Paris? She should be considering herself lucky to be given this opportunity.

“Disobedient wretch” Lord Capulet is angered and confused by Juliet as she says she is thankful for her parents as well as proud, but she also says things such as “no thank you” and that she’s not proud of what they have found for her. Juliet explained to her mother that she cannot possibly get married to Paris and now she has to again explain it to her father who is not going to stand for any disobedience. “Go with Paris to Saint Peter’s Church, Or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither.” Does Juliet have a choice in the matter? How does she react? Juliet gets on her knees and pleads (begs) for her father to be patient and hear her out, but her father refuses and hurls insult after insult her way. “Disobedient wretch! I tell thee what: get thee to church o’ Thursday, Or never after look me in the face. Speak not. Reply not. Do not answer me. My fingers itch.” (160-164) Lord Capulet is ready to disown his daughter if she doesn’t listen to him and he also states that he feels the urge to hit her for her obedience.

The Nurse tries to help! (Emphasis on “tries”) The nurse, who we know cares deeply for Juliet almost like a daughter, comes to her defense and tells Lord Capulet that he might be acting a little too harshly towards Juliet. Does he listen? Absolutely not! If anything, she has just made herself the target of his rage! Why is the fact that the nurse jumps into conversation surprising? (Hint: Think of social classes) Lord Capulet seemingly gets even angrier at this and points out the fact that the nurse, in his eyes, has no right to intervene in his family’s affairs. She is simply his employee and belongs to a much lower social class he and his family. What motivates the nurse to speak up? We know that the nurse cares deeply for Juliet, but we also have to remember that the nurse knows the real situation that Juliet is now facing. Keep in mind that the nurse knows about the marriage between Romeo and Juliet.

“May not one speak?” The nurse again tries to speak, but Lord Capulet is done with her as well. “Peace, you mumbling fool!” He will hear nothing from her anymore and suggest that if she wants to speak that she go gossip with her friends over lunch for he cares not about what she has to say. Lord Capulet vents his frustrations and says that it angers him that his daughter could be so ungrateful when his top priority was simply to find a good husband for his daughter and now that she’s found one, she won’t marry him! Lord Capulet once again issues his warning to Juliet. “An you be not, hang, bed, startve, die in the streets... for, by my soul, I’ll ne’er acknowledge thee.” If Juliet refuses this marriage, she is as good as dead in her father’s eyes. Juliet has a huge decision to make. She decides to turn to her mother for help. “O sweet my mother, cast me not away! Delay this marriage for a month, a week. Or, if you do not, make the bridal bed in that dim monument where Tybalt lies.” What is she saying? Juliet says that she would rather go lie in the tomb with Tybalt if it is impossible to delay the wedding. Her mother will speak no more on the issue and sides with her husband on the issue. Why?

Friar Lawrence! The Nurse’s Advice Juliet failed to convince her mother to see some reason and has to turn to the nurse for comfort, however even that fails as well. Why? The nurse suggests that because of the fact that Romeo is so far away in Mantua, he is as good as dead anyway so Juliet should make the best of the situation and simply marry Paris. How is this surprising, but also true to her character? We know that the nurse wants the best for Juliet, right? She is simply trying to be practical and strategic. Her intentions might be good, but she appears to be betraying Juliet and now untrustworthy in her eyes. Juliet doesn’t openly admit it to the nurse, but she is truly hurt by the nurse’s words. She confided in her for everything and now she is taking the side of her parents. As soon as the nurse exits the scene Juliet curses the nurse for betraying her like this. Who is she going to for help now? Friar Lawrence!

Reflection! Describe and analyze the relationship between Juliet and the nurse. How and why does the relationship between the two change? Do you believe that Juliet is justified in her feelings towards the nurse? Cite important details and events from the text.