Problems Christians Face


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Presentation transcript:

Problems Christians Face God and Suffering Problems Christians Face

Many in the world will question the character of God God and Suffering Real challenges to our faith Many in the world will question the character of God They present questions that are not easy to answer Even as Christians we may struggle or at least wonder about these things There are answers!

This is one of the most used arguments at this time by skeptics God and Suffering The problem presented This is one of the most used arguments at this time by skeptics “If God is all powerful, and all good, why is there so much suffering (evil) in the world” If He is all powerful, He would stop it. If He were good, He would stop it. So He is either not all powerful, or not good. “Therefore, I reject God (or the God of the Bible).”

But there are some considerations! God and Suffering The problem presented Often, this is very personal – something has happened or been observed. Life seems unfair In answer to this, we do not have all the answers, NOR do we have perfect answers But neither do they! But there are some considerations!

It DOES address WHO God is – His character. Some Considerations This question, neither proves, nor disproves God. It has nothing to do with His existence. It DOES address WHO God is – His character. But consider, what answer does the atheist/naturalist have. Can he really question any moral standard – even if it provokes “suffering”?

God DOES allow suffering (and evil). Cf. Job 1 & 2 Some Considerations God DOES allow suffering (and evil). Cf. Job 1 & 2 But the question is WHY? Are there good reasons? Even if we do not fully understand, there are reasons to consider.

Do we give Satan the blame He deserves in these things? John 8:44 Some Considerations Much of the evil and suffering are the product of the fall of man Genesis 3:14-19 This is part of what we “inherit” from the sins of Adam & Eve (1 Corinthians 15:21-22) If you are suffering – how much of it is the product of evil – ungodly behaviors, etc.? Do we give Satan the blame He deserves in these things? John 8:44

When we do wrong there are consequences Some Considerations Free will – When we do wrong there are consequences Sometimes, we suffer because of the choices of others Sometimes, we suffer as a result of societie’s decisions, etc. Even the flood could have changed the world

Would we appreciate love & sacrifice? Some Considerations Free will – What if all suffering were removed (or only removed from His followers)? Would we appreciate love & sacrifice? Would we even consider serving God (out of love, etc.)? WHY would we serve Him? Cf. John 6:26-27 Also would laws of science be reliable? (e.g. Gravity if someone jumps or falls)

The Righteousness of God Some Considerations The Righteousness of God Righteousness demands consequences for actions Romans 1:32, 2:5 2 Thessalonians 1:5-8 The “brokenness” of this world show how terrible sin really is

What about disasters and disease? Some Considerations What about disasters and disease? Could some of these be the result of ungodliness? Are they part of the curse of this world? The world is not as it was before man sinned Romans 8:22 Can they cause man to turn to God? (Societally) Do we see that God is greater?

God has given us tools to help us Dealing with suffering God has given us tools to help us We have brethren Galatians 6:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:14 We have His promises 1 Corinthians 10:13

God has given us tools to help us Dealing with suffering God has given us tools to help us We have His word 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Acts 20:32 We have attitudes His word calls for as Christians that can help us through our struggles

Know that God understands We cannot say He does not understand Dealing with suffering Know that God understands We cannot say He does not understand He sent Jesus to suffer on the cross, John 3:16, Hebrews 4:14-16, 2:9, 12:2

Ephesians 3:20, our God is able to do exceedingly Dealing with suffering Let God be God! Be careful before questioning the character – Isaiah 55:8-9 Romans 9:19-24 Ecclesiastes 6:12 Ephesians 3:20, our God is able to do exceedingly Job and his friends were wrong! It was NOT God!

Dealing with suffering Let God be God! There are questions I cannot answer. But there are also answers I cannot question As to the character of God (good, powerful), do not pit His qualities against each other. They work together. Not “either/or”, but “and/but”

Do we know where suffering will lead? Romans 8:28, Hebrews 12:5-11 Dealing with suffering Let God be God! Who gets to determine how much suffering is too much? Do we really know what is best? Do we really know His mind, not just for mankind overall, but in any given situation? Do we know where suffering will lead? Romans 8:28, Hebrews 12:5-11

Don’t demand more of God than He has promised Dealing with suffering Let God be God! Don’t demand more of God than He has promised So many ask, “Why me?” But in humility would I ask, “Why NOT me?” The only thing accomplished by blaming God is misery!

Put the blame where it belongs! This is the product of Satan Dealing with suffering Put the blame where it belongs! This is the product of Satan This is the domain of his world – 1 John 5:19 – the whole world lies under his sway 2 Corinthians 4:2 – the god of this age Will we declare war on the devil?

It can humble us – life is frail Can good come from his suffering It can cause us to not put our hope in this world – 2 Corinthians 4:17, Revelation 21:1, 4 It can humble us – life is frail It can teach us to pray – James 5:13, 16

It can cause us to repent – Luke 15:15-18 Can good come from his suffering It can cause us to repent – Luke 15:15-18 It can make us better as we deal with it – James 1:2-4, Romans 5:3-5, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 It can make the world better – sometimes disasters and tragedy bring us together, often for good.

BUT understand, trials do NOT have to defeat us! God and Suffering There are answers Thought they may not be perfect or complete, they give us enough understanding to keep from accusing God BUT understand, trials do NOT have to defeat us!

God and Suffering Finally, understand that whatever suffering you endure on this side of eternity has no bearing on whether or not you will be saved. Only you can control that by submitting to Him Will you?