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Lessons from the Rich, Young Ruler (1)

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1 Lessons from the Rich, Young Ruler (1)
Luke 18:18-23

2 The rich, young ruler Luke 18:18-23 Matthew 19:16-22 Mark 10:17-22
This young ruler runs up to Jesus and kneels before Him. Calls Jesus, “Good teacher” He asked about eternal life

3 The rich, young ruler Jesus answered noting the need to keep the commandments After the ruler said he had kept them from youth Jesus noted the one thing he lacked – “sell all you have…” He went away sorrowful, because he was very rich

4 Why do you call Me good? There is respect for Jesus (Mark 10:17)
Jesus noted that no one is good but God. Could Jesus have been alluding to His deity – Colossians 2:9, Luke 22:70 Jesus WAS good – John 10:11, Hebrews 4:15, 7:26, 2 Corinthians 5:21

5 Why do you call Me good? But Jesus contrasted Himself on this occasion (Luke 18:19) Perhaps, wanted to emphasize something – goodness (alone) will not save us! We need the grace of God – Ephesians 2:8-9 Titus 3:4-5

6 What shall I do…? A very good question! (Luke 18:18)
Challenging because eternal life is a free gift, YET it comes at a high cost – surrendering all to Him Matthew 6:33, Luke 14:26-27, 33, 9:23

7 What shall I do…? A very good question! (Lk 18:18)
BUT, can we ask this with wrong motives? Could one be seeking validation for some sin? One thing can keep us from heaven! James 2:10, Matthew 6:24 Sadly, many find someone to validate their sins Do we really want the true answer?

8 Jesus…said to him… He appealed to the LOM (Luke 18:20)
We too need to appeal to God’s will only! James 1:21-22 Romans 1:16

9 Jesus…said to him… He built from a common foundation (Luke 18:20)
Knowing hearts, Jesus knew this man – where he was He started with common ground – commands they agreed with Acts 17:22, 8:35, 16:30-32

10 Jesus…said to him… He loved him (Mark 10:21)
Even with his problems, Jesus cared and loved him. He told him what he needed Does our love for others prompt us to try and teach them? 2 Corinthians 5:10-11 Luke 18:24

11 Jesus…said to him… He pointed out his error (Luke 18:22)
We are not doing anyone a favor by ignoring their lost condition, or that which separates them from God The man loved his wealth and needed to change We must teach, “the whole counsel of God” – Acts 20:26-27

12 Jesus…said to him… He pointed out his error (Luke 18:22)
Even someone with many good qualities, may have that “one thing” they need to change. There is no reason to question the honesty of this ruler – that he kept those commands Many that we approach will fit in this category! Basically good, but still lost (cf. Acts 10:1-2)

13 Jesus…said to him… He put the responsibility on the ruler (Luke 18:22)
When the ruler walked away, it was his own choice. We cannot blame others for our refusal obey. Hebrews 9:27 Galatians 6:5 Romans 2:6

14 Jesus…said to him… He let him walk away (Luke 18:23)
He went away sorrowful because of his wealth We can NEVER force one to obey! We have free-will Luke 9:23, 1 Timothy 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9 Sometimes this is all we can do

15 This account summarized:
He came to the right source – Jesus He asked the right question He received the right answer But in the end, he made the wrong decision

16 What will you do with the gospel?
Luke 18:18-23

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