Historical & Geographic Themes


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Presentation transcript:

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Historical & Geographic Themes Notes #1 Barchetto

~Five Historical Themes~ How many strings are in my hand? History has never been a single story. It is thousands of stories intertwined just like this piece of thread. Many times in history these strands are referred to as THEMES ~Five Historical Themes~

Refers to the many ways people associate with one another Theme #1 SOCIETY Refers to the many ways people associate with one another Theme #2 CULTURE Refers to the ways people express who they are Theme #3 POLITICS Who’s in charge? How are rulers selected? What powers do they have? What powers and rights do citizens have? Theme #4 ECONOMICS What/How goods and services should be produced? How should these goods/services be distributed? Theme #5 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Part one continuing search for new knowledge Part two is the ways in which new knowledge affects people’s lives

What is Geography? Geography- Study of the Earth and its features Throughout this year we will be looking at how civilizations have had to control and adapt to their surroundings in order to survive.

Important Geography Terms A. Latitude are lines that circle the globe from east to west, measuring distance north and south of equator B. Longitude are lines that circle the globe from north to south, measuring distance east and west of the prime meridian. C. Political Map do not show physical features. Instead, they show state and national boundaries and capitals and major cities. D. Physical Map Show physical areas, such as the mountains, rivers and lakes. The water is usually shown in blue. Colors are used to show relief—differences in land elevations. Green is usually used at lower elevations, and orange or brown show higher elevations. E. Cardinal Directions Directions found on a compass North, South, East and West

Geography Skills Activity http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/DE/k9mod/mapskill/mod3fl5.swf

Theme 1- Location Tells us where in the world certain areas are… Absolute Location: is found by its points of longitude and latitude. Relative Location: is an areas location in terms of other areas.

Theme 2- Region Is described as an area that has common characteristics may include… Physical: Landforms Climate Cultural: Language Religion

Theme 3- Place Is what an area looks like in both physical and human terms… Physical characteristics can include its landforms, climate, and resources. Human characteristics include the population, what language they speak, and their customs

Theme 4- Human / Environment Interaction This theme is based on how humans adapt and have been changed by their environment. Examples?

Theme 5- Movement Is the transfer of people, goods, and ideas from one place to another. In many ways history is the story of movement