Principals and Counselors CMS Principal: Walt Winicki 6th Grade Assistant Principal Katryn Overaker 6th Grade Counselor Becky Bell
6th Grade Course Requirements Students attend each class every day. There are 7 class periods. Students attend each class every day. -Reading/ Language Arts(RELA) *2 periods -Math -World Cultures -Science -PE (all year)- must have 4 semester in MS -Elective (all year)- must have one year of a fine art in MS 3
6th Graders have one elective choice: 1. Art & Theatre Arts (one semester of each) 2. Band (all year) 3. Choir (all year) 4. Orchestra (all year) 5. AVID (all year) -must complete application 6. Dance 1 - may also be substituted for PE 7. One Voice Many Countries for SIP students .
Course Planning Sheet Course Planning Sheets went home yesterday. Planning Sheets need to be returned to the elementary school teachers on or before Friday February 8th
Back of Planning Sheet 5th grade teachers determine placement in OL (on-level) or Pre-AP (Advanced Placement/Honors) courses based on District recommendations.
Lockers Everyone will be assigned a locker Students will need to purchase a lock for their PE locker. Practice learning how to work a combination lock over the summer.
Colt Round UP Pick up schedule buy PE uniforms locker shelves school shirt novels for RELA try out locker more
Work on activities in school and from home See agenda and assignments submit homework take quizzes and tests on schoology print assignments collaborate on group projects view grades much more
Home Access Center (HAC) Check Grades Online! Home Access Center (HAC) Check grades online through the district’s home access center .
Academic and Elective Teachers are available next door in the cafeteria for questions.