iCoast integrated Coastal Alert System Kick off meeting


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Presentation transcript:

iCoast integrated Coastal Alert System Kick off meeting ECHO/SUB/2013/661009 Kick off meeting Brussels 22 January 2014 Vicente Gracia vicente.gracia@upc.edu (CIIRC)

iCoast - Partnership Barcelona Cork Torino CIIRC, Centre Internacional d’Investigació dels Recursos Costaners, Spain. (Coordinator) SIMO, Soluciones de Ingeniería Marítima Operacional, Spain. SMC, Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya, Spain. CECAT, INT, Centre d’Emergències de Catalunya, Spain. IGC, Institut Geològic de Catalunya, Spain. ITHACA, Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action, Italy. CMRC, Coastal and Marine Research Centre, University College Cork, Ireland.

iCoast - Project motivation Coastal occupation The Catalan coast case False perception of security by society Wave storm Dec-2008 Wave stormNov-2001

iCoast - Project overview The main objective is to develop a tool, iCoast, to address coastal risks caused by extreme waves and high sea water levels To be applied to European urban beaches European coastal defences and infrastructures iCoast will be used as a coastal early warning system to forecast storm events. tool to help in the decision making process of the interventions for managers

iCoast - Project description - TASK C - COASTAL HAZARD & RISK MAPING To obtain the coastal hazard landscape of the NW Mediterranean taking as example the Catalan coast. To determine a set of reference beaches to be forecasted by the system iCoast. - TASK D - INTERVENTION GUIDELINES To undertake a review of best practices of policies associated with disaster prevention. To define Quick Defense or Accommodation Measures to be taken to diminish or act against a specific forecasted storm. - TASK E - DATA ASSIMILATION & MODELING To setup models to be used to construct main core of the coastal early warning system, iCoast. To perform simulations of selected extreme events already defined in task C to calibrate iCoast. C D E

iCoast - Project description - TASK F - ARCHITECTURE & TESTING The construction of the prototype iCoast, links between models, the functioning in an operational mode. Different tests of the whole system will be performed for previous well defined episodes - TASK G - EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION To define the emergency communication protocols to be established within iCoast at a regional, national and international level. iCoast A coastal early warning system to forecast storm events. A tool to help in the decision making process of the interventions for managers iCoast F G

iCoast - Project description - TASK A - MANAGEMENT & REPORTING TO THE COMISSION The coordination and control of the project development and quality, checking the achievement of milestones, the production of deliverables and the budget evolution. - TASK B - PUBLICITY To disseminated results by creating a website, local workshops, publications and press.

iCoast - Deliverables & deadlines (except Publicity) 1st Progress Report (September 2014), 2nd Progress Report (May 2015), Final report (December 2015) Task Deliverable Deadline C Inventory of disasters July 2014 Synthetic charts of the wave and mean water level climate of the reported disasters Data base and Map of the reported disasters, proposal of implementation within a GIS Methodology and results for beach target selection D Guidelines. Report of lessons learned from similar coasts May 2015 Best practices. Report of quick defence /adaptation measures. Protocols of intervention Report with the definition of the quick defence /adaptation measures Nov. 2015 E Meteorological model report Hydrodynamic model report Nov. 2014 Morphodynamic model report Jan. 2015 Coastal State Indicator model report March 2015 F Report on system strategy Report on the analysis of the test implementation iCoast manual G Report with the communication protocols at the regional scale Report with the communication protocols at the international scale

iCoast - Dates & places Event Type Date Place Kick-off Meeting Partnership meetings 17/12/2013 Barcelona Progress Meetings July 2014 Torino March 2015 Cork Final Project Meeting November 2015 Workshop -Starting Project Public - Stakeholders February 2014 Workshop -Project Results November 2015* International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2014) Conference June 2014 Seoul European Geoscience Union (EGU) April 2015 Vienna * To be confirmed

iCoast - Budget & duration Start date : 01/12/2013 End date : 30/11/2015 Duration : 24 months Total Eligible Cost EC Co-Financing Partner Contribution CIIRC 202,902 € 152,176 € 50,725 € SIMO 119,519 € 89,639 € 29,879 € SMC 68,079 € 51,059 € 17,019 € CECAT 13,321 € 9,991 € 3,330 € IGC 30,413 € 22,809 € 7,603 € ITHACA 100,078 € 75,059 € 25,019 € CMRC 100,000 € 75,000 € 25,000 € 634,310 € 475,733 € 158,577 €

iCoast - Project follow-up Actions The implementation of iCoast as a forecast tool by the relevant authorities. To do that it will be necessary to maintain also operational the existing oceanographic and meteorological networks to ensure the data assimilation process within iCoast. To update the coastal disaster database. The maintain/improve the numerical modelling suite of iCoast Who and How A permanent commission with representatives from the other partners under the framework of CIIRC also inviting any administration level and interested stakeholders will be in charge of maintain “active “ the project and continue in the process of predicting the risk. The Comitee will provide technical advice to ensure the implementation of iCoast in any interested UE region. Project partners will monitor improvements in their respective areas.