Implementing effective on farm biosecurity


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Presentation transcript:

Implementing effective on farm biosecurity Jeff Milne National Citrus Surveillance Coordinator, Citrus Australia


Presentation outline The National Citrus Surveillance Coordinator role Threats to the citrus industry Implementing effective on farm biosecurity

The National Citrus Surveillance Coordinator’s role Reinvigorate and expand the First Detector Network Coordinate surveillance activity and collect data Develop biosecurity articles and awareness Improve preparedness for incursions

The National Citrus Surveillance Coordinator’s role Reinvigorate and expand the First Detector Network Pest scouts, agronomists, pack house reps, researchers Regularly in the field with the skills to notice something different History shows this group often the first to notice new pests But Time poor Conflicting priorities Differing expertise No standard reporting format

The National Citrus Surveillance Coordinator’s role Coordinate surveillance activity and collect data Federal govt, 5 States, 1 Territory Differing protocols and priorities Urban & peri urban areas Private providers using different procedures Privacy concerns Data entry & reporting

The National Citrus Surveillance Coordinator’s role Develop biosecurity articles and awareness Workshops, presentations, study tour

The National Citrus Surveillance Coordinator’s role Improve preparedness for incursions The Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed An agreement between industry and government on processes and cost sharing for the eradication of Exotic Plant Pests A Biosecurity Plan for your orchard Actions you can take to reduce the risks to your business

Threats to the citrus industry Challenges, threats, and overseas experiences have been discussed Diaphorina citri (Asian citrus psyllid) HLB vector distribution Invasive species compendium

Threats to the citrus industry Xylella fastidiosa CVC vector distribution Invasive species compendium

Threats to the citrus industry Xanthomonas citri (citrus canker) distribution Invasive species compendium

A Biosecurity Plan for your orchard How do you conduct a biosecurity risk assessment and develop controls for your business? Farm Biosecurity Plan case study previously presented Use the Biosecurity Manual for Citrus Producers The manual has been available since 2010 and distributed widely

A Biosecurity Plan for your orchard From attendees at a recent Biosecurity Plan workshop 93% had not used the manual previously 7% did not know where to start on a biosecurity plan 36% had signs and some ideas but nothing documented 57% had some measures in place but need to do more 0% had an adequate biosecurity plan A Farm Biosecurity Plan will increase the chances of your business continuing if an exotic pest arrives

A Biosecurity Plan for your orchard To develop your Biosecurity Plan List the 6 steps from the Biosecurity Manual Decide the risks for each step Refer to the biosecurity best practice checklist for possible controls Select the actions that suit your business Prioritise the actions Implement the actions then review your plan regularly

A Biosecurity Plan for your orchard Develop a table of issues and controls with priorities Incorporate actions from your plan into inductions, training, and procedures You will find you are already doing many of the actions Keep good records Audit your plan along with your other assurance programs

A Biosecurity Plan for your orchard Plant Health Australia is a useful website with plans, manuals, resources, and detailed exotic citrus pest information

A Biosecurity Plan for your orchard NSW DPI ha developed an app with biosecurity information and pest identification Contact Steve Falivene 0427 208 611 or find him here at the forum

A Biosecurity Plan for your orchard Citrus Australia will be running regional workshops to help develop your Farm Biosecurity Plan If you need further information or want to get started sooner please contact me Jeff Milne | Biosecurity | Citrus Australia Ltd 94 Lemon Avenue, Mildura, VIC, 3500 | PO Box 10336, Mildura, VIC, 3502 P: +61 (0) 3 5023 6333 | M: +61 (0) 427 352 742 | F: +61 (0) 3 5023 3877 E: W: Thank you