Future plans Sandro Cruciani | Directorate for territorial and environmental statistics | Istat Luisa Franconi | Directorate for territorial and environmental.


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Presentation transcript:

Future plans Sandro Cruciani | Directorate for territorial and environmental statistics | Istat Luisa Franconi | Directorate for territorial and environmental statistics | Istat Eurostat, Final meeting 28 June 2017

Issues to be addressed (1) Encourage LMA delineation in other countries: Istat is ready for further training We plan to write manual, example to be developed Study further the parameter selection issue (as we have seen in many presentation today) Further develop the R package to improve: usability, computer performance, other options Fine tuning automatization GIS output 2 Workshop LMAs, Roma 16 June 2017

Issues to be addressed (2) Study ways to use small LMAs at the EU: combine/regionalise Consider higher geographical administrative level Cross-border LMAs: how to reconcile areas near borders with rest of MS How much territory should we consider 3 Workshop LMAs, Roma 16 June 2017

Issues to be addressed (3) Input data: documentation of commuting matrices New types of data: samples/admin/big data/integrated data New types of jobs Problem of capital city (too large! ), more in general the issue of the dimension of territorial input units (LAU2 as building blocks?) Further develop dissemination tools to answer data needs of users 4 Workshop LMAs, Roma 16 June 2017

Issues to be addressed (4) We need to produce statistics at LMA level: The delineation of the partition is one side of the coin, the other side is data, statistics, indicators, etc. This will be a decisive factor in the success of LMAs Given the sub-regional nature of this partition either we use administrative data to support the production of statistics or we invest on small area estimation method In both cases we need to invest in study the way in which indicators and statistics are defined and evaluated in order to foresee the dissemination of harmonised statistics: this includes register based statistics, other surveys/registers 5 Workshop LMAs, Roma 16 June 2017

Today: this way of work has produced valuable results One year ago: need of working together in a collaborative way based on transparency and open tools Today: this way of work has produced valuable results These encourage us to further work along this route 6 Workshop LMAs, Roma 16 June 2017

franconi@istat.it, sacrucia@istat.it +39 064673 4715 http://www.istat.it/it/strumenti/territorio-e-cartografia franconi@istat.it, sacrucia@istat.it