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Agenda item 5b Main challenges and priorities for future work Implementation of the 2008 SNA in the EECCA, SEE and Mongolia Presentation by UNECE Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda item 5b Main challenges and priorities for future work Implementation of the 2008 SNA in the EECCA, SEE and Mongolia Presentation by UNECE Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda item 5b Main challenges and priorities for future work Implementation of the 2008 SNA in the EECCA, SEE and Mongolia Presentation by UNECE Workshop on Implementation of the 2008 SNA Kiev, 29 November - 2 December 2011

2 Overview Survey results: Problems and Priorities for future work
Overall issues Need for improvement in basic statistics Problem areas in National accounts Ongoing projects and technical assistance Way forward: Proposed elements of the implementation plan for the region Objectives and key deliverables Main actors, Coordination and Governance Technical assistance requested by countries Activities of International organizations: current and planned November 2011

3 Overall issues conditioning improvement in statistics in the region
Overall changes to the institutional and informational infrastructure in the country Need for adjustment of legislation, institutional bodies, accounting standards Issues with human resources in statistics Limited resources, high turnover, lack of continuous training, but growing demand for statistical information Statistical issues The quality and availability of basic statistics National accounts issues November 2011

4 Need for improvement in Basic Statistics
Priorities for improvement in basic statistics November 2011 4

5 Need for improvement in Basic Statistics
Main priorities for improvement in basic statistics: Business statistics Source for data on value added Coverage of services and methodological issues Price statistics Detailed price indices for all types of economic activity, including services, Export and import price indices Exhaustiveness of business and administrative registers Coverage of all enterprises and non-profit organisations Availability and use of administrative registers Business statistics as a source for intermediate consumption number of human resources allocated to service statistics vs. Share of services in GDP November 2011 5

6 Problem areas in National accounts
Current priorities for countries in the region by NA broad data groups November 2011

7 Problem areas in National accounts
Current priorities for countries in the region by NA detailed datasets November 2011 7

8 Financial services, FISIM Public sector The rest of the world
New issues from the 2008 SNA Non-financial assets R & D, military expenditures, mineral exploration, land improvements, cultivated assets, ownership transfer Non-observed economy Informal sector and illegal activities Financial services, FISIM Pension schemes and employee stock options Public sector Central banks and public/private/government The rest of the world Multi-territory enterprises, processing, merchanting November 2011 8

9 Ongoing technical assistance projects: Main areas
Main areas in national accounts with ongoing technical assistance projects in the region November 2011 9

10 Proposed way ahead for the region. Objectives and key deliverables
Main objective Strengthen national accounts statistics in the region and ensure coordinated implementation of the 2008 SNA to enhance international comparability. Priorities for countries in the region Improve the quality of Annual and Quarterly GDP Improve the quality, availability and access to basic statistics, including administrative data Implementation of the 2008 changes most affecting GDP and its main components Implementation of changes affecting GNI and other main balancing items Recommendation: GDP and GNI by the 2008 SNA (to be discussed during Session 7 and developed after) November 2011 10

11 Proposed way ahead for the region. Objectives and key deliverables
Further Priorities Medium term: Improvement of institutional sector accounts Long term: Full system of accounts Each country will determine its own detailed priorities and their timeframe. Regional implementation plan will be developed based on the common priorities in the national implementation plans. (to be discussed during Session 7 and developed after) November 2011 11

12 Development of an implementation plan
CHALLENGES Government, Public Sector Public-private, central banks 2008 SNA Informal and illegal sector Financial Services Stock options, pensions The rest of the world Globalisation Financial Instruments Non-Financial Assets R&D, military 1993 SNA CORE Institutional sectors National Accounts Balance sheets Supply / Use Quarterly accounts Financial accounts Regional accounts Input / Output NOE FISIM STATISICS BASIC Short-Term Statistics Output value, intermediate consumption Statistics on Services Prices & Costs Deflators, Labor International Trade Export and import, FATS Social Statistics Health, NGOs Investment Statistics Capital expenditure Financial Statistics FISIM, monetary Agriculture Statistics BASE Statistical Infrastructure Business register, statistical units, survey design, administrative data, classifications November 2011

13 Proposed way ahead for the region
Proposed way ahead for the region. Main actors, Coordination and Governance National level National implementation plan for the 2008 SNA and supporting statistics Global recommendations by ISWGNA adopted by UNSC Streamlining overall improvement of SNA and supporting statistics Determine priorities and timeframe by needs of main users Organisation: Main actors NSO as primary institution responsible for SNA Other producers of economic statistics and administrative registers Main users NSO as primary institution Human resources National accounts department Data collection process (Business statistics) November 2011 13

14 Proposed way ahead for the region
Proposed way ahead for the region. Main actors, Coordination and Governance Regional level Coordination of work in the region Biennial Meeting of Group of experts in NA Regional Advisory body – SG on NA Monitoring implementation in the region Annual and quarterly NA questionnaires Others, like: UNECE/Eurostat/EFTA Global Assessment Reports, IMF tools – SDDS, GDDS, DQAF, ROSC, WB Statistical Capacity Building initiatives, and, if needed, additional questionnaires from UNECE and presentation of Progress Reports during the Meeting. November 2011 14

15 Requested technical assistance
Training workshops for the staff of NSOs (national, regional and international) Study visits to more developed statistical offices Region-specific manuals and guidelines On-the-job training Seminars for other producers of statistics Exchange of experience with other countries November 2011

16 Activities – National strategies towards 2008 SNA
Most of the countries have national plans for improvement of statistics and national accounts focusing on the 1993 SNA Some have adopted plans towards 2008 SNA Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Croatia November 2011

17 Activities – International and Regional organizations
UN / UNECE EU / Eurostat EFTA CISSTAT IMF World Bank November 2011 17

18 Points to consider during the discussion
Coordination of capacity building activities in the field of National Accounts provided by international donors on Regional level (DISA), National level . Coordination of SNA implementation activities in the countries on a regional level. DISA, Paris21 November 2011 18

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