Specific Contract under Framework Contract ENV.D2/FRA/2012/0013


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Presentation transcript:

Specific Contract under Framework Contract ENV.D2/FRA/2012/0013 Workshop on Compliance Promotion and Development of SIIFs: Towards a modern information system for the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC) 6. A bit of IT: more insight on the information system 2nd UWWTD SIIF Workshop, DGENV – Brussels, 24 October 2013 Mr. Benoît Fribourg-blanc Office International de l’Eau 1

Introduction Current situation analysis showed some difficulties on IT aspects at MS level (no link to INSPIRE, scattered databases, absence of reference datasets, hand/manual collection…) The new system proposed by the concept paper embeds: Thematic aspects IT aspects And proposes a vision for the future on each aspect. SIIF ambition requires a true shared information system: UWWTD SIIF National node UWWTD SIIF EU node Approach for the EU node: Centralised at EU level Decentralised at national level

IT aspects: the UWWTD SIIF, a vision for the future INSPIRE: public institutions must make their data (wide range of environmental topics) accessible via spatial web services and common data formats UWWTD reported data are of interest for many different users (thematic domain experts, general public, EU services…)  a shift from bottom up reporting to information exchange, The SIIF goes beyond reporting Will it be easier for Member States to implement and maintain several infrastructures (INSPIRE + different reportings) or should it be just one single infrastructure serving different purposes? 3

UWWTD SIIF: requirements and expected results Single infrastructure requires two elements: semantic and technical interoperability, i.e. a shared data model and associated definitions (semantic), and tools to exchange information (the services) With a shared EU data model implemented with current information technologies automation is possible (collection, QA/QC, retrieval) Machine to machine data exchanges are eased Update can distinguish datasets (reference datasets, data reported each year…) Clear semantic increases the quality of data Data can be made immediately available to all user 4

5 Outline of UWWT SIIF reporting infrastructure Reporting can use current system and/or new Web Feature Service (WFS) EU node National node Link relevant in reporting context ? 5 5

6 A decentralised system UWWTD SIIF National node and UWWTD SIIF EU node fully interoperable Nodes are connected via services Nodes and services are a shared UWWTD Information System UWWTD SIIF National node Different starting points Further local needs in each country Interoperable with general eReporting infrastructure (target) UWWTD SIIF EU node Node for 28 UWWTD SIIF National node Node for link to other EU information framework initiatives (e.g. other themes SIIFs, WFD, GMES) 6 6

7 Why using spatial technologies for UWWTD reporting ? UWWTPs, Discharge point, agglomerations and receiving areas have spatial representation: therefore are spatial data INSPIRE Directive builds fundaments for European SDI INSPIRE Directive cover so-called Themes Theme “Utility and Government services” cover UWWTP and discharge point Theme “Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units” cover Agglomeration and receiving area  Synergies with UWWTD, as INSPIRE service infrastructures have to be operated by Member States at different levels anyway Potential for increased complexity lies rather in thematic field than in the technology used for communication Specialisation of INSPIRE concepts is limited: no additional constraint (proved by first draft of INSPIRE compliant UWWTD SIIF model covering UWWTP, agglomeration, discharge point, receiving area + raise questions relevant for EU node) 7 7

8 Outline of UWWT SIIF reporting infrastructure From information technology point of view it should comprise Common data model Rules for Data and Quality Management (EU level, building on existing reporting system) Centralised and transparent QA/QC procedures (EU level, building on existing reporting system) Service oriented architecture using technologies requested by INSPIRE Using INSPIRE data specifications for cross thematic interoperability Rules for Network Interoperability … Each aspect should be addressed via a separate process including delineation, testing and implementation. General picture defined with concept paper and specific IT annexe. Development and key aspects to address will be included in a roadmap and workplan (after 24/10 Workshop). 8 8

The UWWTD SIIF, a shift in data vehicle: current AccessDB + SHP vs GML Current situation (from Waterbase) UE_CD_SA_CA (shp) = rcaCode (Access) = FR_SA_CA_01213 Shp content Access content 9 9

The UWWTD SIIF, a shift in data vehicle: new system AccessDB + SHP vs GML Both geo and non geo content can coexist in a single flow Non geospatial (or name, rcaType…) Geospatial 10 Attributes returned by a WFS can be defined using PropertyName in the query 10

The frontend of the system: SIIF interface(s) Complementary/builds on the infrastructure In a distributed system, each node should allow: Content visualisation Common IT information access: data model, codelists Helpdesk Dataflows representation Links between EU and MS nodes (interface) UWWTD legislation overview EC node specific functions (validation & compliance service) 11

EU interoperability board Insure IT consistency: a core need Organisational aspect Quick sketch at EU level: One normalisation structure per information silo (water, air…) One overarching structure to ensure consistency Proposal: Interoperability: INSPIRE “Maintenance and Implementation framework” and “Maintenance and Implementation Group” Water: WISE TG supported by WISE TG EU interoperability board Water Risks Air Marine Biodiversity … Floods WFD Bathing UWWTD Nitrates Drinking 12 12

eReporting mechanism using INSPIRE services (basic) 13 13

Contact details General project manager Ms. Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer (UBA) edith.hoedl@umweltbundesamt.at Technical project manager Ms. Katharina Lenz (UBA) – on maternity leave, replaced by Ms. Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer katharina.lenz@umweltbundesamt.at Mr. Benoît Fribourg-Blanc (OIEau) b.fribourg-blanc@oieau.fr Umweltbundesamt (UBA) www.umweltbundesamt.at Office International de l‘Eau (OIEau) www.oieau.fr