Women and Children working in the Industrial Age


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Presentation transcript:

Women and Children working in the Industrial Age By: Eliora Fliegelman and Alara Siegel

Children working in the factories Children worked from the age of 6. They worked for 12-19 hours a day. Were paid little to nothing. However if they were paid it was a fraction of what the adults got. Were ideal employees because they were cheap to pay, weren't educated enough to complain, they were small enough to fit in and between machines.

Continued Worked in all different kinds of factories because the family couldn’t afford to pay for school . Both women and children of higher class didn’t have to work.

Women working in the factories In the 1900s 8.6 million women worked in factories. More fortunate women became maids or governesses for rich children. Less fortunate women had to work in terrible conditions like mills or mines.

Working Conditions Labor conditions were bad. Owners weren't blamed for injuries or deaths. There were 25-35,000 deaths a year and 1 million injuries. *Many occurred from Railroad Jobs (train wrecks), Fires and Machinery accidents. Children's safety was neglected.

Punishment for being tardy If you were late your boss would tie heavy weights to the workers necks and have them walk around for hours. This caused many back and neck injuries.