Review #4: The Civil War & Reconstruction


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Presentation transcript:

Review #4: The Civil War & Reconstruction Pg. 22 & 23

Northern v. Southern Economies North – moved away from slavery to factories due to climate South – climate & cotton gin caused slavery to become more entrenched

Missouri Compromise (1820) Slavery is banned in the land acquired through the Louisiana Purchase ABOVE the 36° 30’ Missouri = slave state (12) Maine = free state (12) Purpose? Establish regulations for the extension of slavery Impact? 1st time the U.S. compromises over slavery later overturned by Dred Scott v. Sanford

Compromise of 1850 California is free state FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW- required that escaped slaves be returned to owner Popular sovereignty (vote of people) would determine whether territory in Mexican Cession would be slave or free

Kansas-Nebraska Act / Bleeding Kansas Overturned Missouri Compromise (1820) Popular Sovereignty – Allowed people to determine slave or free state in Kansas and Nebraska Bleeding Kansas – people for and against slavery rushed into Kansas  violence erupted

Election of 1860 (Lincoln) 1860 States were divided Election of Lincoln (opposed to the extension of slavery) drove Southerners to threaten succession

Reconstruction reincorporate the Southern states & restore the union lasted from 1865 to 1877 required rebuilding the nation’s economy & government

White Control of the South Black Codes: Secret Societies: Poll Taxes: Literacy Tests: Grandfather Clauses: Jim Crow Laws: Tried to keep conditions close to slavery for African Americans in the South Required that citizens demonstrate that they could read & write before voting (Constitution) Ku Klux Klan formed to frighten people (African Americans) from participating in government Son or grandson of a man that could vote can vote Social segregation (separation); cannot share facilities like water fountains or railroad cars Tax on every voter; those people too poor could not vote