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Essay Topic: Presidential v. Congressional Reconstruction. Know both plans. Complete castlelearning.

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1 Essay Topic: Presidential v. Congressional Reconstruction. Know both plans. Complete castlelearning

2  Compromise of 1820- (goal of each compromise- maintain a sectional balance).  Problem: Should Missouri enter as a free state or a slave state.  Solution- Missouri a slave state, Maine a free state. No slavery North of 36’ 30.  Created a future problem because it divided California in half (western territories).

3  Problem: California- free or slave. Should there be slavery in D.C.? If a slave runs away to the north are they free?  Solution: California was free. No slave trade in D.C. Passed a stricter fugitive slave law. Established popular sovereignty.  Popular sovereignty will create future problems.

4  Means let the people decide- vote.  It was not successful- “Bleeding Kansas”

5  Cause of the Civil War.  States may not secede from the Union.  Strengthened the power of the Federal government over state governments.

6  People who wanted an end to slavery.  Harriet Beecher Stowe- Uncle Tom’s Cabin  Harriet Tubman- underground railroad

7  To put the nation back together as quickly and easily as possible.

8  Immediate cause for secession was the election of Abraham Lincoln (1860).

9  Group in Congress that wanted to punish the south after the Civil War.  Their plan wins out.

10  10% Plan- 10% of the male population of the state had to take the oath of loyalty.  LENIENT  “With malice (hatred) towards none.”

11  Ratify 13 th amendment.  10% oath of loyalty.  Remove northern armies from the South.  Lenient- continuation of Lincoln’s Plan.  Johnson is a Democrat.  Congress was Republican- conflict begins.

12  Radical Republicans in Congress want to punish the South.  Divide South into 5 military districts.  13, 14, 15 th amendments passed.  Congressional plan wins.

13  13- abolished slavery  14- grants citizenship and “equal protection under the law.”  15- black male suffrage.

14  Johnson was impeached for violation of Tenure of Office Act.  Found not guilty by one vote.

15  Rutherford B. Hayes becomes President.  Remove the military from the South.  Put a southerner on the cabinet.

16  Allowed for segregated public facilities: restrooms, trains, parks, water fountains.

17  “separate but equal”- 1896  Segregated facilities.  Failure of Reconstruction.  Reversed by Brown v. Board- 1954

18  Reconstruction taken over by Congress.  Radical Reconstruction

19  Poll taxes- a tax on every voter. Those who were too poor could not vote.  Literacy Tests-required citizens to demonstrate that they could read and write before voting.  Grandfather Clause- allowed the son or grandson of a voter in 1866 or 1867 to vote.

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