Strategies Of resistance data project


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Presentation transcript:

Strategies Of resistance data project Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, University of Maryland Marianne Dahl, PRIO Anne Frugé, PRR

Expanding data on nonviolence Misconception of “separatist” or “self-determination” politics as very violent A major cause of civil war Mass nonviolence is uncommon But…small scale nonviolence is very common in these disputes

Data on Nonviolent Strategies All organizations in SD movements (1,124 organizations) Use of violent and nonviolent tactics for over 12,000 organization-years Rich variation Variety of tactics Switch among types of nonviolence Switch between violent and nonviolent Mix violent and nonviolent at the same time

Violent & Nonviolent Behavior Organizations use much more nonviolence than violence. Movements even more so. 80% movements use nonviolence, only about 60% use violence.

Diversity of NV Strategies Economic noncooperation: strikes, tax refusals, consumer boycotts Protest and demonstration: rallies, protests, demonstrations Nonviolent Intervention: sit-ins, occupations, blockades Social noncooperation: hunger strikes, self-immolation Political noncooperation: election boycotts, withdrawals from political office or coalition in the government

SRDP Activity & NAVCO Campaigns   During Nonviolent Campaign During Violent Campaign No NAVCO Campaign Total number of observations SRDP orgs using nonviolent tactics 63 (42%) 334 (31%) 864 (53%) 1261 SRDP orgs using violent tactics 44 (30%) 530 (49%) 620 (38%) 1194 SRDP orgs using mixed tactics 42 (28%) 228 (21%) 161 (10%) 431 149 (100%) 1,092(100%) 1,645 (100%) 2886

Tactical Changes

Tactical Changes Change from violence to nonviolent is more common Violence is not a last resort

Applications Studies of tactical choice Diffusion of tactics across organizations, movement, time and space Move beyond selection on actor’s primary strategy (such as rebel groups) Move beyond focus on major sustained events (nonviolent campaign, civil wars) Thank you!