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Ben Parsons China 1989. Why did the Chinese pro-democracy movement fail? 1.Origins of and background to the movement 2.Outline of events 3.Strengths of.

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Presentation on theme: "Ben Parsons China 1989. Why did the Chinese pro-democracy movement fail? 1.Origins of and background to the movement 2.Outline of events 3.Strengths of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ben Parsons China 1989

2 Why did the Chinese pro-democracy movement fail? 1.Origins of and background to the movement 2.Outline of events 3.Strengths of the State 4.Structural weaknesses of the movement 5.Strategic weaknesses 6.Poor student leadership 7.Conclusion

3 1.Origins of and background to the movement

4 Cultural Revolution Pressures on society Changing status of students Heightened resistance after the death of Mao Zedong (1976) Wei Jingsheng Democracy Wall Economic liberalisation Calls for political reform

5 2.Outline of events Death of reformer Hu Yaobang On April 17 th 1989, students assembled at Tiananmen Square in mourning Posters called for democracy and an end to corruption Growing numbers, continued after the mourning period 26 th April editorial and backlash Gorbachev’s visit and the hunger strike, 15 th May.

6 2.Outline of events Mass demonstrations include workers and residents Government fluctuates Martial Law 20 th May Army initially stopped Assault at Dawn, June 4 th.

7 3.Strengths of the State

8 Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) Some weaknesses Initial failure But always followed orders The Government Some divisions Li Peng and Zahao Zidang Errors of judgement 26 th April Editorial Indecision But divisions always quickly closed

9 Censorship and the press Direct correlation Strangled communication and publicity Why did the use of force not cause a backlash against the state? 3.Strengths of the State

10 4.Structural weaknesses of the movement No pre-history No grass roots support No mature structure No commitment to understanding nonviolent tactics Internal squabbles and parallel structures Did this cause a lack of strategic thinking?

11 5.Strategic weaknesses Lack of understanding of nonviolent strategies Reactionary Upward spiral of actions Poor tactics Symbolic but not substantive

12 5.Strategic weaknesses

13 6.Poor student leadership No respected electoral process for leadership Internal divisions Poor control No single charismatic leader Someone around who to rally Someone to talk to the state Someone to provide intellectual leadership

14 7.Conclusion Failure due to Strength of the state No grass-roots support Poor organisation Lack of strategy Poor leadership Could noncooperation, boycotts and a charismatic leader have changed the outcome?

15 Questions?

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