Acute Cardiovascular responses All of these responses are aimed at getting more blood, oxygen & fuels to working muscles and speed up removal of wastes. ↑ Stroke Volume (ml of blood pumped out of the left ventricle per beat) ↑ Heart Rate (beats per minute) ↑ Cardiac Output (litres per minute) = SV x HR Robert Malpeli - Balwyn High School 2010
Robert Malpeli - Balwyn High School 2010
Robert Malpeli - Balwyn High School 2010 ↑ Blood pressure (mainly systolic) ↑ Venous return to heart (assisted by muscle pump, respiratory pump and venoconstriction – still approx 4% but 5 times as much blood compared to rest) ↓ Blood volume (plasma loss) ↑ Blood directed towards working muscles (vasoconstriction of arterioles supplying inactive muscles reduces blood flow here and vasodilation of arterioles supplying muscles increases blood flow here) Robert Malpeli - Balwyn High School 2010
Acute Muscular responses ↑ Increased blood flow to working muscles ↑Motor unit / fibre recruitment ↓ Fuel stores (PC, ATP, glycogen, triglycerides) ↑Lactate production (then ↑ H+ if not removed) ↑ Muscle temperature ↑ Oxygen Consumption Robert Malpeli - Balwyn High School 2010
Robert Malpeli - Balwyn High School 2010 ↑ Arteriovenous oxygen difference (a-vO2 diff) The greater the extraction of oxygen by working muscles, the greater the a-vO2 diff Robert Malpeli - Balwyn High School 2010
Robert Malpeli - Balwyn High School 2010