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Recap last lesson…. Describe vascular shunting. What is tidal volume?

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1 Recap last lesson…. Describe vascular shunting. What is tidal volume?
What is stroke volume? What else increases due to adopting a healthy and active lifestyle? What does mental preparation lower and increase?

2 Answers…. Redistribution of blood to the areas of the body that needs more oxygen. Amount of oxygen inspired and expired each breath. Amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle each heart beat. Respiratory rate, heart rate, minute ventilation etc. Lowers anxiety, increases confidence.

3 Long term effects of an active and healthy lifestyle… Cardiovascular system
Cardiac muscles becomes thicker and stronger = HYPERTROPHY Your heart is made of cardiac muscle, when it becomes stronger it can pump out more blood with less effort. Stroke volume & cardiac output increase. Resting HR during decreases = BRADYCARDIA Lowers blood pressure. Your recovery rate improves.

4 Long term effects of an active and healthy lifestyle… Muscular system
Increased size and strength of muscle fibres (slow and fast twitch) Increased size and number of mitochondria. Powerhouse of the cell – the place oxygen is broken down to produce energy. Increase in myoglobin content. This allows oxygen to stick to haemoglobin. Increased tolerance to lactic acid.

5 Long term effects of an active and healthy lifestyle… Respiratory system
Increased respiratory volumes & VO2 max = your respiratory system becomes more efficient. Lower respiratory rate due to more haemoglobin being able to take more O2 to alveoli. (also increases waste removal) Diaphragm/intercostal muscles increase in strength – making breathing more efficient.

6 Long term effects of an active and healthy lifestyle… General
Lower the risk of injury/illness Reduce stress/increase wellbeing

7 Complete the following graph…
Stroke volume/cardiac output during exercise The higher the intensity – the bigger the stroke volume Stroke volume Exercise intensity High Low

8 Complete the following graph…
Respiratory rate during exercise The higher the intensity – the higher the respiratory rate Respiratory rate Low High Exercise intensity

9 Plot unfit, fit and very fit responses to exercise on the graph.
Heart rate during exercise Unfit Fit Heart rate Very fit Low High Exercise intensity

10 Short term effects of an healthy and active lifestyle.
Plenary… Short term effects of an healthy and active lifestyle.

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