CAF CAF activities – state of affairs


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Presentation transcript:

CAF CAF activities – state of affairs EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007 Patrick Staes & Nick Thijs EIPA CAF Resource Centre Lisbon, 16-17 July 2007

Items Midterm goals Action plan 2007-2008: general plan and national action plans CAF users’ event, Portugal, October 2007 CAF video Next CAF expert meeting (6.9.2007 – Brussels) Overview EIPA CAF activities first half 2007 Planned activities (2007 -2008) EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007

13th Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Public Administration in the Member States of the European Union. Berlin, 22 June 2007 An integrated strategy should be developed for the following areas: ensuring customer satisfaction, guaranteeing high-quality public services (Citizen Charters) and good practices. It should also serve as the basis for further developing the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) and implementing it throughout Europe. EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007 48th Meeting of the directors general responsible for public. Berlin, 20 and 21 June 2007 The Directors General ask the Working Group to further develop CAF activities for 2007 and 2008 in order to bring the number of CAF users to 2010 by the year 2010

CAF RC: 1002 registered users from 33 countries (17 June 2007) Belgium 193 Estonia 18 EU Institutions and EC 4 Italy 144 Bosnia-Herzegovina 16 Turkey 4 Hungary 89 Finland 16 Latvia 3 Portugal 88 Slovakia 12 Bulgaria 2 Denmark 80 France 11 UK 2 Austria 51 Greece 10 Netherlands 1 Czech Republic 49 Spain 9 Switzerland 1 Germany 45 Cyprus 6 Croatia 1 Slovenia 41 Sweden 5 Namibia 1 Poland 38 Ireland 4 China 1 Romania 22 Lithuania 4 Norway 18 Luxembourg 4 EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007

2. Action plan 2007 - 2008 Vision of CAF RC and CAF network “The further dissemination of the CAF within Europe, maximising the collaboration at national and European level aiming to reach the target of 2010 registered CAF users in 2010, in order to contribute - to the well functioning of public sector organisations and - the quality of the service delivery to the citizens” Member States complete the general action plan by national action plans (separate document for CIRCA) EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007

Action plan 2007 - 2008 Main objectives to support or assist MS in promoting and spreading the use of CAF at national level to promote the use of CAF at European level to support all organisations interested in the use of CAF EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007 Member States complete the general action plan by national action plans (separate document for CIRCA) Approval by DG Meeting in June

Is currently being prepared by the NC SE Not available Country State of affairs State AT LT BE Email info LU BG OK HU CY ML N/A CZ NL DK PL DE PT Is underway EE RO EL SL ES SK no info FR FI IE Is currently being prepared by the NC SE Not available IT UK LV Norway postponed EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007

3rd European CAF users event “CAF inspiring change”, 11-12 October 2007 - Lisbon (PT), Themes People Keynote: José Orvalho ( PT): “People: the heart of the organisation” Parallel sessions Session 1: Denmark and France Session 2: Romania and Italy Session 3: Bulgaria and Estonia Innovate and change processes Keynote: Peter Humphreys (IRL): “Processes: the heart of the matter? Reflections on the practical challenges and opportunities for innovation.” Session 7: Poland and Czech Republic Session 8: Hungary and Portugal Session 9: Norway and Germany The commitment of leaders Keynote: Bill Gormley ( UK): “Towards the vision - Committed leadership” Session 13: Belgium and Spain   Session 14: Austria and Cyprus   Session 15: Slovenia and Greece EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007

Other topics 2 rounds General Parallel Sessions CAF Clinic - Allowing the public to put their questions forward (Dorthe Sorensen and Jean-Marc Dochot) CAF eTool and users’ database (Ann Stoffels and Lena Heidler ) Communication strategy for the CAF – A key factor for the success of a CAF application (Patrick Staes and Sabina Bellotti) Plenary session on National and regional strategies to disseminate the CAF & Recent breakthroughs of the CAF in Europe The Luxembourg CAF Programme for continuous improvement (Guy Wagener) CAF Enforcement in the Regional Administration of the Azores (Victor Santos) Using the CAF for the first time: the experience of the European Court of Auditors (John Speed) A recent breakthrough of the CAF: Turkey European Presentation of the CAF movie see full programme EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007

TIMETABLE: Things TO DO NC invite national participants – send names to EIPA First info 9 Jul Final info 25 Jul NC IPSG meeting - info on CAF Event participation 16 - 17 Jul EIPA EIPA send the final list of participants to PT 27 Jul Participants registration !for special hotel rate: register before 31 Aug 1 Ago to 14 Sept Hotel before 31 Aug PT Presentations to be received by EIPA 11 Sept EIPA sends presentations to PT 28 Sept EVENT  11 -12 Oct   EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007

Country Users IPSG Case Total Extra AT 9 2 1 12 BE 8 3 13 BG 5 - 6 CY CZ 4 7 DK DE 10 FI FR IT PL SL EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007

4. CAF movie Purpose: - show the benefit of CAF, amongst others via life experiences in 6 countries: PT/DE/DK/IT/BE/ CZ which illustrate 6 steps out of the 10 steps of the CAF 2006 guidelines Planning - March-April: preparing the scenario - May: shooting - Summer: montage - September: final product (preview 6/9 CAF network) - October: presentation at 3rd event EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007

5. Next CAF expert meeting Brussels, 6 September 2007 Agenda Preview CAF video & final remarks Procedure for external feedback CAF work plan & national work plans CAF European users event CAF centre at 5QC & survey Sharing knowledge on training ... EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007

6. Overview EIPA CAF activities first half 2007 CAF and Justice - quality development in the field of Justice Luxembourg (LUX), 16-17 April 2007 60 participants 21 countries publication beginning of 2008 The CAF and the Balanced Scorecard Maastricht (NL), 13-15 June 2007 46 participants 16 countries EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007

7. Planned activities (2007 -2008) Measuring Customer Satisfaction – The customer in the focus /context of TQM/CAF Maastricht (NL), 18-19 September 2007 CAF Training Event - The CAF in Action Barcelona (ES), 18-19 October 2006 Maastricht (NL), 22-23 November 2007 CAF and Leadership Maastricht (NL), 12-13-14 December 2007 New topics for 2008 Citizens & Charters (February) People Management / HRM / People Satisfaction Measurement (March) EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007

CAF Centre at the conference 5 QC in Paris CAF Centre at the conference CAF eTool Available in English, French, Dutch, Polish Planned translations: German, Latvian …? EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007

Consult our EIPA web site: Contact details EIPA CAF resource centre EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Patrick Staes, Nick Thijs, Ann Stoffels, Lena Heidler P.O Box 1229 6201 BE MAASTRICHT THE NETHERLANDS Tel. +31 43 3296 317/328 Fax +31 43 3296 296 E-mail: Consult our EIPA web site: EIPA CAF Resource Centre - 2007