The Peopling of the World, 7 Million Years ago-circa 4000 B.C.E. Chapter 1 The Peopling of the World, 7 Million Years ago-circa 4000 B.C.E.
The Origins of Humankind The First Hominids: Australopithecines Homo Erectus and the First Migrations Outside of Africa The Emergence of Homo sapiens sapiens
How Modern Humans Populated Eurasia and Australia The First Anatomically Modern Humans Leave Africa The Settling of Australia The Settling of Eurasia
The Settling of the Americas Beringia: The Land Bridge from Siberia to the Americas Monte Verde, Chile: How the First Americans Lived The Rise of Clovis and Other Regional Traditions The Oldest Americans
The Emergence of Agriculture, 12,500-3000 B.C.E. The Domestication of Plants and Animals The First Larger Settlements