What is the reproductive system?


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Presentation transcript:

What is the reproductive system? ***A collection of specialized _______, glands and __________ that help produce a new _________ being. Females and males may ________ reproduce ______ puberty occurs. HORMONES USED: Males = _______________ Females = _____________

FEMALE SYSTEM FUNCTIONS OF THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: ________ are produced (ova) Provides a place for an ______ to _______ __________ new human being

FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE PART FUNCTION _______________ Produces EGG CELLS and ________________ during menstruation FALLOPIAN TUBE Egg cells travel here to be FERTILIZED by sperm ***__________ –the ______ cell of a new human being with __chromosomes __________ Also known as the _______. Fertilized eggs travel here to stay and __________ until birth.

(zygote stays here to develop Into a fetus for 9 months) PATHWAY OF THE EGG TO THE UTERUS IN FEMALES 2. _______________ (egg is FERTLIZED) 3. ___________ (zygote stays here to develop Into a fetus for 9 months) 1. ___________ (egg is released)

**PATHWAY FROM FERTILIZATION TO BIRTH OVARY – egg released FALLOPIAN TUBE – egg fertilized UTERUS – develops for 3 trimesters ___________ – dilates before birth ___________ – baby is delivered HOW CAN YOU REMEMBER THIS ORDER?

MALE SYSTEM FUNCTIONS OF THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: Produce __________ Deliver sperm to unfertilized egg

MALE REPRODUCTIVE PART FUNCTION _________ Immature _______________(immature = cannot be used to fertilize an egg yet) EPIDIDYMUS Sperm travels here to become _______. Can be stored here VAS ____________ __________ the sperm (think deferens = ___________)

So, what happens after an egg has been fertilized? A zygote forms and begins to develop in the uterus. QUESTION: HOW MANY WEEKS DOES IT TAKE TO FULLY DEVELOP A NEW HUMAN BEFORE BIRTH?

What happens during the 3 trimesters of pregnancy? FIRST TRIMESTER WEEKS 1-12 ___________detected (5 weeks) Become _____ (__ weeks) _______ begin to form (heart, ______, liver, kidney, pancreas) Limbs, finger and toes develop Hair, __________ and toenails develop

What happens during the 3 trimesters of pregnancy? SECOND TRIMESTER WEEKS 13-27 Continued development of joints, bones, skin and _________ Eyes blink and lashes form ______________ Breath ________ fluid to STRENGTHEN LUNGS Swallow amniotic fluid = urine

What happens during the 3 trimesters of pregnancy? THIRD TRIMESTER WEEKS 28-40 ______ larger in size (normal range 7-9 pounds) STRENGTHEN ________ Respond to light and sound ________!