Applying to PCHS Sixth Form Your next steps..


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Presentation transcript:

Applying to PCHS Sixth Form Your next steps..

5 Great Reasons to come to PCHS Sixth Form 1. Good A Level Examination Success 2. Extra Curricular Activities for enjoyment and participation 3. Support and Guidance 4. Progression Success 5. Our Curriculum Continuity throughout the most important years of your education

Success at A-Level 99% pass rate 46.2% of all grades were A*-B Vast majority of applicants were successful in gaining their first or second university course choice There are currently just over 210 students in Year 12 and Year 13 Average class size of 10-15.

Extra Curricular Clubs and Activities for Enjoyment and Participation Sports teams Debating Field work residential Trips and Visits Orchestra/Wind band Student Leadership Drama productions/ Edinburgh Fringe Visits to Universities Charity Work Sports Coaching & Leadership Summer Schools

Support and Guidance 6th Form Tutors Daily guidance, monitoring and support. Kathryn Williams Assistant Headteacher: Post 16/Careers and Guidance Michael Smith Deputy Headteacher: Data, Timetable and Curriculum David Blight Head of Sixth Form Elaine McStravick Careers Advisor

Ofsted October 2014 “Students’ spiritual, social, moral and cultural understanding is good. They are well supported and encouraged to explore key topics related to current affairs and to take part in community projects and charitable fundraising”. “There are very effective advice and guidance systems on entry to the sixth form and to promote students’ understanding of progression and destination opportunities.

What do our students think? 92% of students said- “I am happy to come to Sixth Form lessons”. 93% of students said – “The teachers in Sixth Form are knowledgeable about the subject”. 90% of students said – “I learn a lot in Sixth Form lessons”. Student survey, December 2015

What do our parents think? 100% of parents agreed “My child is happy in the Sixth Form”. 100% of parents agreed that their child “is well taught in the Sixth Form”. 98% of parents said they “would recommend PCHS Sixth Form to other parents”. Parent survey, December 2015

Progression and success All students who applied to University secured a place. 30% of those who went to University went to Russell Group Universities and 40% of them went on to study Facilitating Subjects 10% went to another FE College 9% have Apprenticeships 9% took a Gap Year 7% are in Employment

Our Curriculum A-Levels Applied Science Art and Design Biology Chemistry Design Technology English Language English Literature Geography History Mathematics Further Mathematics MFL (French or Spanish) Music Philosophy and Ethics Physics Sports Science Sociology Vocational Qualifications Business Studies Creative Media Production Engineering Performance Studies Sport Health and Social Care ICT Our Curriculum

Post 16 Reform All A Levels are due to be reformed by September 2017 From September 2016 all A Levels and vocational courses offered at PCHS will have been reformed with the exception of Design Technology Textiles Mathematics Further Mathematics

Reformed Subjects Reformed subjects have been designed to be more challenging than the previous A Level in that subject This generally means less coursework opportunities and more exams Students will be examined on ALL of the content at the end of year 13 and will go into those exams with nothing “in the bag”

Unreformed subjects In unreformed subjects marks from AS Level exams still contribute towards your final A Level grade Students will take the AS exams during year 12 and will put marks “in the bag” towards their final A Level result

The PCHS Approach In September nearly all students will begin 3 A Level subjects which they will study for 2 years and be examined in at the end of the 2 years Robust internal assessment Exception for unreformed subjects in which students will have external AS Level exams during year 12

How many qualifications?

Enrolling in the Sixth Form The Big Picture Opportunities at 16+ Tuesday 10th November 2015 Independent Careers Interviews begin Sixth Form Prospectus January 2016 Sixth Form Open Evening Thursday 14th January 2016 6-8pm Tutorial Information Throughout the year APPLICATION TO SIXTH FORM Complete Initial Intentions form Monday 1st February 2016 1:1 Guidance meeting with senior staff Wednesday 2nd March—Tuesday 8th March 2016 Submit options form Wednesday 9th March 2016 Provisional Acceptance letters April/May 2016 Post 16 Lesson Sampling (compulsory) 27th and 28th June 2016 GCSE Results Day Thurs 25th August 2016 Sixth Form Enrolment Fri 26th August 2016