The Origins of the Renaissance


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Presentation transcript:

The Origins of the Renaissance 1400-1600

What is “The Renaissance”? “Rebirth” of learning in Europe between 1400 and 1600 Knowledge of Greece and Rome was recovered The arts (painting, sculpture, etc.) flourished

Italy The Renaissance began in northern Italy City-states like Pisa, Genoa, and Venice had grown wealthy from trade Bankers made large profits by loaning money to princes and popes

Italy in the 1400’s-it’s not a country yet!

The new wealth of these city-states supported the Renaissance The wealthy middle class had the time and money to become patrons of the arts The Medici family in Florence was the best known of these

Lorenzo de Medici Catherine de Medici

Renaissance “isms”

Humanism Renaissance scholars believed civilization had reached its height in ancient Greece and Rome Middle Ages were a barbaric time when civilization declined Therefore, scholars encouraged a return to subjects taught in Greek and Roman schools

Renaissance scholars attempted to recover original Greek and Roman sources The humanities would be revived (study of grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history, etc.) Goal was a well-rounded education

Petrarch is considered “the father of humanism”

Secularism Italian Humanists didn’t abandon God, but did tend to focus on the things of this world rather than the next Enjoying life on earth was a good in itself

Humans were noble creatures capable of great accomplishments, not just sinners in need of salvation Depictions of secular (non-religious) subjects in art became more common

Individualism For Renaissance Humanists, human beings were the pinnacle of God’s creation (“man is the measure of all things”) Individual accomplishment and genius began to be praised Artists began to take credit for and sign their works