Experts for experts Using the T&T international Projects to strengthen the professional development of NRA and TSO technical staff T&T second coordination.


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Presentation transcript:

Experts for experts Using the T&T international Projects to strengthen the professional development of NRA and TSO technical staff T&T second coordination meeting 15-16 June 2016 Didier LOUVAT

SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO BUILD-UP AND STRENGTHEN COMPETENCES Analyst Nuclear Safety Nuclear Security Radiation Protection Expert Module Advanced Training Programme Basic Training Programme for TSOs & NRAs Focus on FUNCTIONS as set out in the IAEA GSR Part 1 “Governmental, Legal and Regulatory Framework for Safety” & SARCON. TUTORING TRAINING T&T second coordination meeting-June 2016

Examples of consistent use of T&T projects Induction Course 2014 Criticality 2014 Nuclear Reactor Safety-PWR 2014 Thermal Hydraulics 2015 Nuclear Reactor Safety-PWR 2012 I&C 2013 SA I 2013 SA II 2013 Legal Basis and Regulation Processes 2014 Radiation Protection & Confinement 2014 Radiation Protection in Medical Area 2014 Application of Transport Regulation 2014 Nuclear Reactor Safety-PWR 2012 Nuclear Fuel Cycle 2013 Site evaluation 2013 Regulatory Control of Nuclear Site during Siting and Construction 2014 T&T second coordination meeting-June 2016

Others Examples of use of T&T projects Oversight of Safety Culture 2014 Regulatory Framework for Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities 2014 Nuclear Security 2015 Human & Organisational Factors 2014 Regulatory Oversight on NPP 2014 Safety Assessment Probabilistic 2015 Lessons from Fukushima 2016 Nuclear Reactor Safety-RR 2016 Criticality Safety 2016 Regulatory Framework for Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities 2016 Safety Assessment Deterministic 2014 I&C 2013 Induction Course 2014 Human & Organisational Factors 2014 Regulatory Oversight on NPP 2014 Site evaluation 2013 Fire Safety 2013 T&T second coordination meeting-June 2016

Feedbacks on 4 years implementation of T&T projects Training and Tutoring opportunities: Should complement a professional development pathways Should be inserted consistently Should not duplicate others opportunities Should be distributed over time T&T second coordination meeting-June 2016

T&T second coordination meeting-June 2016