General Tab Project, Cost Schedule, and Work Limits Roadway Character


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Presentation transcript:

General Tab Project, Cost Schedule, and Work Limits Roadway Character Project, Cost Schedule, and Work Limits Roadway Character Design Criteria for Bridges Maintenance of Traffic During Construction Right-of-Way and Utility Involvement Categorical Exclusion Training Class

Project Cost Schedule Work Limits

Categorical Exclusion Training Class C1 and C2 CEs No General Tab Incorporated within C1 and C2 Tab Specific data populated from Ellis: PID Project Sponsor ODOT District Funding Source Y/N dropdown for private funding STIP Reference # Manually entered in text field Categorical Exclusion Training Class 3

Categorical Exclusion Training Class C1 and C2 Example Categorical Exclusion Training Class 4

D-Listed CEs – Project Data Environmental Document Level Specific data populated from ELLIS PID Project Name Project Sponsor ODOT District Funding Source Categorical Exclusion Training Class 5

D-Listed CEs – Project Data Private and local public funding (Y/N) STIP Reference # Manually entered in text field Confirm the next phase is listed on the STIP (Y/N) Confirm the current cost estimate meets requirements prior to CE approval (Y/N) 6 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

D-Listed CEs – Project Data Project costs populated from Ellis Planning and Engineering Right of Way Construction Other Interchange Modification/Justification Study (Y/N) 7 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

Categorical Exclusion Training Class Project Description Discuss proposed action Environmental impacts (including relocations) Geographical setting MPO, local government involvement Categorical Exclusion Training Class 8

Categorical Exclusion Training Class Work Limits Limits of Proposed Work Populated from ELLIS Only displays for D-listed CEs Start and end points (SLM) and total work length (miles) are entered manually Categorical Exclusion Training Class 9

General Tab - ENVIRONET Categorical Exclusion Training Class 10

General Tab - ENVIRONET 11 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

Project Description Example 12 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

Roadway Character

Categorical Exclusion Training Class Roadway Character Not included for C1 and C2 D-Listed CEs: Select Functional Classification (dropdown) Based on type of service provided Enter ADT (Average Daily Traffic) Current and Design Year Enter Daily Hourly Volume Proportion of traffic moving in the peak direction during the design hour 14 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

Categorical Exclusion Training Class Roadway Character Truck percentage (% of total traffic) Setting and topography Select appropriate answer from drop-down menu Categorical Exclusion Training Class 15

Categorical Exclusion Training Class Roadway Character Existing and Proposed Design Criteria Design speed Speed facility is designed to accommodate Legal speed Posted speed limit Number and type of lanes Through or two-way left-turn lane (TWLTL) Pavement, shoulder, median & sidewalk width Existing and required width per L&D manual 16 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

General Tab - ENVIRONET Categorical Exclusion Training Class 17

Design Criteria for Bridges

Design Criteria for Bridges Does not display if project does not involve bridges Existing populated from Ellis Sufficiency and General rating Date constructed Bridge location Bridge type, length, and number of main spans Load restrictions Proposed data is entered manually Answer drop-down appropriately (#53) Structure rehabilitation or replacement? 19 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

General Tab - ENVIRONET Categorical Exclusion Training Class 20

General Tab - ENVIRONET Categorical Exclusion Training Class 21

Maintenance of Traffic During Construction

Categorical Exclusion Training Class Remarks Discuss proposed/anticipated closures and detours Include references to specific applicable policies If MOT substantially impacts sensitive environmental resources, discuss accordingly Discuss how proposed MOT will impact entities that serve the community EMS, fire, police, schools, public facilities, etc. Discuss coordination/PI activities that were initiated with these entities as part of NEPA Are they aware of potential impacts? 23 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

Categorical Exclusion Training Class Remarks Indicate how public entities will be kept updated Advanced notice is required for complex MOT List environmental commitments (#66) Answer yes to generate table Categorical Exclusion Training Class 24

Categorical Exclusion Training Class Example Maintenance of traffic will be handled in four phases. During Phase 1, SR 999 north of the intersection with SR 45 will be closed to accommodate reconstruction. The detour will be SR 328 to US 25 to SR 999 (MOT will be finalized in Stage 3 Design). Special provisions will be made for property owners along SR 999 to access residences. One residential property has two driveways, therefore, at least one drive will be available at all times during construction. During Phases 2 and 3, the SR 999/SR 45 intersection will be reconstructed and traffic will be maintained with part width and signals. During Phase 4, SR 999 south of the intersection will be closed to accommodate reconstruction. The detour will be SR 328 to US 25 to SR 999. There are no through-traffic dependent businesses or festivals that require special accommodations or provisions. Emergency vehicles, public services, and schools will utilize township and county roads. A press release will be issued 15 days in advance of the start of construction activities. Categorical Exclusion Training Class 25

General Tab - ENVIRONET Categorical Exclusion Training Class 26

Right-of-Way and Utility Involvement

Categorical Exclusion Training Class Right-of-Way Include approximate acquisition figures (acreage) Permanent and temporary ROW Permanent and temporary Easements Number of parcels impacted As part of remarks indicate type of impacts and location Strip takes Easements or work agreements Impacts to residences, businesses, etc. Include environmental commitments (no table). 28 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

Categorical Exclusion Training Class Utility Involvement Answer utility drop-downs List specific utilities impacted Utility coordination initiated during NEPA, but typically an on-going commitment 29 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

Categorical Exclusion Training Class Example Estimated right-of-way needed for the project is based on preliminary drawings and construction limits. Approximately 10.25 acres (12 parcels from 9 owners) is expected to be acquired from land owners in Westmoreland County and 4.045 acres (62 parcels from 55 owners) is expected to be acquired from land owners in Eastern County. Strip right-of-way approximately 1.85 acres will be acquired from the Madison Park owned and operated by the MetroParks of Westmoreland County. All utilities shown on the project plans or located during project construction will be relocated or adjusted by the owner of the utility. The project may require the relocation of the following utilities: electric, gas, telephone, water, cable, and sewer. All utility work shall be coordinated between the contractor and the utility owners in such a way as to avoid and/or minimize any inconvenience to potentially affected customers. All utility work not included in this contract shall be performed by the affected utility owner or its contractor and will be compliant with ODOT roadway design standards. Utility work will be ongoing throughout construction of the project. 30 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

General Tab - ENVIRONET 31 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

General Tab - ENVIRONET 32 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

Categorical Exclusion Training Class Project File - General Documentation can include: USGS Topo Quad Map County Map Aerial Map Photographs Right-of-Way Plan Sheets Stage 1, 2, and 3 Design Plans Follow NEPA Assignment File Management and Documentation Guidance Categorical Exclusion Training Class 33